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中国医科大学2013年7月考试《生药学(本科)》在线作业答案(国外英文资料) Chinese medical university in July 2013 in the examination of the pharmacology (undergraduate) online work One, single topic (25 questions, 100 points). The butterfly slice is the butterfly slice (D). A. radix bupleuri B. notopterygium Living by c. D. rhizoma ligustici wallichii Full marks: 4 When is the character trait of which of the following medicine (B). A. pinellia B. musk C. caulis dendrobii D. gastrodia elata Full marks: 4 The biotics from the porous bacteria are (A) A. cordyceps B. spirulina C. poria cocos D. ergot Full marks: 4 Hopu comes from (C) A. defend your own plants B. camphor C. mulan plants D. the rose Full marks: 4 Foreign body of the same name is a common phenomenon in Chinese medicinal herbs. The following Chinese medicine contains the phenomenon of the same name (B). A. red flowers B. cyrtomium rhizome C. American ginseng D. in cultured Full marks: 4 The column of Chinese medicine in the middle of the section is (D). A. 5 ~ 8 2 to 4 B. C. One, in the U shape D. 5 ~ 13 Full marks: 4 The eye of the eye is the identification term (B) of the following medicine. A. tokay B. antelope horn C. pinellia D. gastrodia elata Full marks: 4 Which of the following is not a character trait (C) of the horse money? A. flat button or flat round B. the surface is gray or gray C. the exterior is smooth and hairless The center of the base has a rounded umbilicus Full marks: 4 Except which is the characteristic characteristic of the blue root (C). A. the root of the head is slightly swollen, and the shape of the leaf stalk and the dense wart protrude B. xylem C. its slightly soft and not easy to break D. the section of the area is yellow and white Full marks: 4 The raw medicine for the silk sheen is (A). A. gypsum B. talc C. glaubers salt D. cinnabar Full marks: 4 The products of the appendix have (B) A. mud. The salt. White B. the salt. Black. White C. Black. White. Yellow D. Salt applet. Yellow applet. Black applet Full mark



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