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小溪生病了(国外英文资料) The stream is sick in the class Teaching content: the brook is sick Objective: to read the text correctly, fluently and emotionally. Make clear the reasons why the stream is sick and clear, and the education students protect the environment Teaching heavy difficulty: make clear the reason that the brook is sick and clear, the education student protects the environment. The teaching process: One, interesting import: T: (plays the stream video) children, a clear crystal stream is happy in the forest Singing, the song spread through the forest, but one day the song stopped and the stream lost its joy, for what? In this lesson we will learn that the creek is sick. Teacher: ask the children to work with the teacher to book the problem. Do you know what the subject is about? Student: mainly wrote that the stream is sick. Second, content exploration: Teacher: how is the brook ill? Ask children to open their books, turn to page 111, read the text on their own, use pinyin to read the text fluently, use a pencil to mark the text to have several natural passages? The children read very carefully, who can say that there are several natural passages in the text? The text has five natural paragraphs. T: thats right! Now lets go to the train and read the text. Each one reads a natural paragraph. The other children think about what each paragraph is mainly about. Where does the train leave? Student: the train trains here. (to begin to read the text) Teacher: good read! Who can say what the five natural passages say? Student 1: the first natural paragraph writes the stream is clear and green. Birth 2: the second natural paragraph writes the residents do not love the stream. 3: the third natural paragraph writes the brook disease. 4: the fourth natural paragraph says the inhabitants are wrong. The fifth natural paragraph writes the brooks disease. The children are really great, they are the children of the brain. Lets read the text and think about the main text of the


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