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湖 北 工 业 大 学 毕业设计论文 论文题目:缸体生产线翻转与旋转机构设计 学生姓名:周细凤 学 号:0910113133 专业班级:09机自职1班 指导教师:周明刚 2013年5 月 28 日 摘要 汽车作为目前比较普遍的一种交通工具在人们的日常生活中已经占有非常重要的地位随之带来的是汽车行业的兴起发动机的又是这个行业中比较重要的一个分支发动机就是作为汽车行业较为常见的一个辅助设备而出现的。发动机是发动机的最基本工具其具有结构简单特点不仅可以减轻劳动者的工作强度而且提高了生产率。可以说发动机是普通汽车行业的理想工具Abstract Car as currently more common means of transport, has occupied a very important position in people's daily lives, the attendant rise of the automobile manufacturing industry . Engine block production is more important in this industry branch. Flip the engine block production line with rotating mechanism as automobile manufacturing industry is more common and the emergence of an auxiliary device. The agency's action is achieved by the cylinder during operation in the roller touches the limit switch is triggered PLC controls the motor, thus boosting the flip frame and rotating frame rotating, to achieve the engine block production line process. The graduation thesis contains flip frame of the motor, the motor rotating frame, roller motor OK. The main design of the flip frame transmission parts, transmission parts and rotating frame roller drive. And one of the gears, sprockets, bevel gear and to determine the size of the material, and checked. Second, the design of the PLC control of the ladder and the external wiring diagram, the final design of the pneumatic clamping device. Flip the engine block production line with rotating mechanism is the most basic tool for engine production line, which has a simple structure and high efficiency. Automatic process can not only reduce the labor intensity of the work and improve productivity. Can be said that the engine block production line with rotating mechanism is turning ordinary automobile manufacturing industry is the ideal tool. Keywords: engine block production line flip, rotate institutions PLC 目录 摘要 2 Abstract 3 目录 4 1 本课题的研究现状、研究目的及意义 5 1.1 内外研究现状 5 1.2 研究目的及意义 5 1.3 本课题主要研究内容 6 2 电动机的选择 8 2.1 确定发


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