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安徽农业大学学报, 2013, 40(2): 326-331 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University 网络出版时间:2013-3-7 17:02:13 [URL] /kcms/detail/34.1162.S1702.003.html 抛物线插补指令的设计与应用 吕孝敏 (合肥工业大学工程训练中心,合肥 230601) 摘 要:对于抛物线等规律曲线的加工需要用宏程序来实现,而没有现成的指令可以调用。基于 FANUC 数控 系统分析总结了各类抛物线加工宏程序,进而设计了抛物线的通用宏程序。将粗精加工分别进行研究设计,运用 FANUC 宏程序 G 代码调用功能,开发了抛物线插补功能指令 G101 ,通过内置通用宏程序简化了不同抛物线加工 过程中的重复宏程序编辑。加工时只需运用指令 G101 并据加工条件指定相关参数值即可完成加工,使抛物线的加 工类似于加工圆弧一样方便,大大简化了编程,尤其对于经常需要进行规律曲线加工的场合可以有效提高编程和加 工效率。 关键词:宏程序;抛物线插补;指令开发 中图分类号:TG519.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672−352X (2013)02−0326−06 Design and application of parabolic interpolation instruction LV Xiao-min (Engineering Training Center, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230601) Abstract: No ready-made instructions can call for processing of regular curve such as parabolic curve, so macroprogram should be designed. In this paper, we analyzed all kinds of macroprogram of the parabolic process based on FANUC numerical control system, to design a universal parabolic macroprogram. We separately studied roughing and finishing and used the calling function of G code of FANUC macroprogram to develope parabolic interpolation instructions of G101, to simplify macro repeat editor in different parabolic machining process through the preset of a universal macroprogram. The parabolic processing can be completed just by using the in- struction of G101in combination with specifying related parameters according to processing conditions, and it becomes simple in processing an arc curve. The method can simplify the programming greatly, improve the pro- gramming and machining efficiency effectively, especially on the occasions that regular curve machining i


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