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As Haw started running down the dark corridor, he began to smile. Haw didn’t realize it yet, but he was discovering what nourished his soul. He was letting go trusting what lay ahead for him, even though he did not know exactly what it was. To his surprise, Haw started to enjoy himself more more. He stopped to write again on the wall: 当豫豫开始向着黑暗的过道跑去时,他笑了。虽然他还没有意识到,但他发现了是什么让他精神一振,那就是让自己行动起来并相信前面有东西在等待它,即使他不确切地知道那东西是什么。 让豫豫感到惊讶的是,他发现自己越来越放松了,他停下来,在墙上写道: When You Move Beyond Your Fear, You Feel Free. 行动起来,走出恐惧,你就会获得自由。 To make things even better, Haw started to paint a picture in his mind again. He saw himself in great realistic detail, sitting in the middle of a pile of all his favorite cheeses-from Cheddar to Brie! He saw himself eating the many cheeses he liked, he enjoyed what he saw. The more clearly he saw the image of himself enjoying New Cheese, the more real believable it became. He wrote: 为了让自己感觉更好,豫豫开始在心中描绘美景,他看到自己坐在一大堆他最喜爱的奶酪中间,想象中的情景是如此真切、详尽。他看到自己正在享用许多他喜欢的奶酪并为自己想象中的一切而陶醉。 他越清晰地看到自己享用新奶酪的梦想,就越相信它会成真。于是他在墙上写下: Imagining Myself Enjoying New Cheese, Even Before I Find It, Leads Me To It. 想象自己享受新奶酪,会引导你找到它。 Haw wondered why he had always thought that a change would lead to something worse. Now he realized that change could lead to something better. Then he raced through the Maze with greater strength agility. Until he found bits of New Cheese. He entered the Cheese Station but it was empty. Someone had already been there. He stopped wrote on the wall: 豫豫奇怪自己以前为会么总认为变化就一定会导致更糟的结果,现在他意识到变化也会带来更好的东西。 于是他以更大的力量和更多的灵敏在迷宫中穿行,直到找到了一些小块的奶酪。他走进一个仓库,但里面已经空了,有人已经捷足先登。 他停下来在墙上写道: The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner you Find New Cheese. 越快放弃旧奶酪,就越快找到新奶酪。 Haw made his way back to Cheese Station C to offer Hem bits of New Cheese but was turned down. Hem wanted his own Cheese back. Haw just shook his head in disappointment but this does not stop him from finding New Cheese. He smiled as he realized: 豫豫回到仓库C,把他找到的小块新奶酪递给犹犹,但犹犹拒绝接受,犹犹要的是他自己原来的奶酪。豫豫只好失望



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