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摘? 要 箱体是机器和部件的基础零件,它将机器和部件中所有零件连接成一个整体,并使之保持正确的相互位置,完成必需的运动。因此,箱体的加工质量直接影响着机器的性能,精度和寿命。箱体类零件尽管形状各异,尺寸不一,但是它们均有空腔,结构复杂,壁厚不均等共同特点,在箱壁上既有许多精度较高的轴承支撑孔和平面需要加工,又有许多精度较低的紧固孔需要加工。因此,箱体不仅需要加工的部位多,而且加工的难度也较大。 本设计以柴油机汽缸箱体为例,对箱体镗孔的夹紧和定位装置进行工艺分析和夹具的设计。在对此箱体的工艺规程采用两销一面对其进行定位以限制其六个自由度。为减少箱体在加工过程中的误差,我们考虑基准的重合原则,统一原则,互为基准原则以及粗基准的选择原则,为使定位稳定夹紧可靠,要求所选用的粗基准尽可能不重复使用原则。 详细阐述了该汽缸箱体的加工工艺过程,对加工过程中进行的各道工序进行了详尽的说明,并附有零件图,加工工艺过程卡等资料加以说明,使箱体的加工过程一目了然。 关键词:箱体;工艺规程;夹具ABSTRACT An is foundation spare parts that machine that keeping with parts, it machine with have the spare parts conjunction in the parts a the whole, and make right mutually position, complete the essential sport.Therefore, the a processes the quantity to affect the function of the machine directly, accuracy with life span.A spare parts though each of shape, the size is different, but they all have the cavity, the construction is complicated, thick not on an equal footing common characteristics in wall, on a wall the higher bearings in current and many accuracy props up the peaceful in bore demand processes, having again the lower and tight in a lot of accuracy bore demand process.Therefore, the difficulty that a not only need the part that process many, but also process is bigger too. This design controls with the CK6142 number the lather principal axis a number for example, detailedly expatiating a controls to process the craft process, in the process to process the each work preface that proceed proceeded in details of elucidation, and fish-eye spare parts diagram, work preface Chien's diagram, the number controls the machine bed processes craft Chien's card, the number controls to process the work preface card, the knife has card and numbers control to process the procedure, entering to take into the route diagram etc. data the assistance explain, making a box of process the process to is clear at a glance. Keywords: cylinder arts and craftwork technics clamp 目 录摘? 要 1 ABSTRACT 2 前 言 5 1发动机箱体工艺设计 6 1.1发动机机体分


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