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淮南市XXX中学教学楼建筑和结构设计 摘要 本设计为5层办公楼,位于淮南市。该设计包括建筑设计和结构设计两部分。建筑设计部分包括建筑的平面、立面和剖面设计,主要解决建筑平面布局和立面造型问题,此外对一些细部尺寸进行了设计。结构设计部分主要由内力计算和截面设计组成。内力计算部分首先由基本资料计算风荷载和竖向重力荷载。本建筑基础形式选用柱下独立基础。在设计过程中,根据国家最新规范和土木工程设计中的各种要求进行计算,并运用Auto CAD等制图软件进行辅助设计和绘图。 关键词:框架 建筑设计 结构设计 柱下独立基础 Architectural and structural design for a office building of Anhui Huainan Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd. Abstract This paper is designed for an 5-storey high-rise office building located in Huainan. Combined with the architectural design and considered the characteristics of residential buildings, this design adopted the frame shear wall structure. This design includes two parts of architectural design and structural design. The architectural design part including the architectural plane, building elevation and profile design, mainly cope with the problems of the plane layout and facade formation, and designed to some detailed dimensions. The structural design part mainly composed by internal force calculation and cross-section design. The internal force calculation part calculated wind load and the vertical gravity load by the basic data, which mainly used the methods of Layering method, D value method etc. then to do the cross-section design and calculation on the base of load combination, which including section size of the components and reinforcing bars design. This building foundation adopts under-column foundation and raft foundation. This design is in accordance with every stipulation of the national latest specifications and civil engineering design and to do aided design and draft using graphics software such as Auto CAD, PKPM etc. Keywords: frame, structural design, architectural design, under-column foundation, 目录 建筑设计部分 - 5 - 第一部分 设计要求 - 5 - 第一节 总则 - 5 - 一、设计的目的和要求 - 5 - 第二节 设计的原始资料 - 5 - 一、规模 - 5 - 二、建设地点 - 5 - 三、建筑工程造价 - 5 - 四、气候水文地质条件 - 5 - 第三节 建筑设计部分设计要求 - 6 - 一、方案设计阶段 - 6 - 二、施工图设计阶段 - 8 - 第二部分 设计成果 - 9 - 第一节 设计过程 - 9 - 一、初步构想 - 9 - 二、参考资料 - 9 - 三、平面设计 - 9 - 四、剖面设计 - 10 - 五、立面设计


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