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第四部分 完形填空 2010新版教材将文章10个空白变为5空白,给出5个选项分别填入不同位置,分值10分,投机几率变小,题目难度降低,较易拿分。 5. Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps ____1__ the talk with slides,writing up important information on the blackboard, distributing reading material and giving out assignment.The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and ___2___ what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture with notes which do not catch the main points and which become hard even for the students to understand. Most institutions provide courses which assist new students to develop the skills they need to be effective listeners and note-takers. If these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which __3____ learners to practice these skills independently. In all cases it is important to tackle the problem before actually starting your studies. It is important to acknowledge that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills required in college study.One way of __4___ these difficulties is to attend the language and study–skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the academic year.Another basic strategy is to find a study partner ___5___ it is possible to identify difficulties,exchange ideas and provide support. 1. A. overcoming B. wonders C. enable D. with whom E. illustrating 2. A. overcoming B. wonders C. enable D. with whom E. illustrating 3. A. overcoming B. wonders C. enable D. with whom E. illustrating 4. A. overcoming B. wonders C. enable D. with whom E. illustrating 5. A. overcoming B. wonders C. enable D. with whom E. illustrating KEY:EBCAD 第二部分 阅读理解(1) 阅读的第一题2011年改为5个正误判断题,相对来说难度降低,投机几率提高,考前一天会在更新群内确定本部分范围,一般在20篇左右,建议强记,确保阅读的30分不丢。 解题思路:正误判断题主要考查学生对文章的具体事实、信息的理解能力。一般是根据文章的事实或细节,给出一个句子,判断其正误。比较直接,难度相对较小。做此类题时,应先看题,后带着“问题”快速阅读短文,寻找所需要的信息。Miss Grey lived in a small house. She wa


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