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一、形容词比较级和最高级 类别 规则 原级 比较级 最高级 单音节及少数以 er, ow, ble, ple结尾的双音节形容词 加 er, est old quick fast near clean older quicker faster nearer cleaner oldest quickest fastest nearest cleanest 以e结尾的单音节形容词 加 r, st wide late wider later widest latest 以一个辅音字母结尾,其前面的元音字母发短元音 双写该辅音,后加 er, est fat thin big hot fatter thinner bigger hotter fattest thinnest biggest hottest 辅音字母后以y结尾的单音节及双音节形容词 改 y 为i, 再加 er, est lowly happy lazy merry lowlier happier lazier merrier lowliest happiest laziest merriest 双音节和多音节 在其前面加more, most important more important most important 二、不规则变化: many/ much more most well/ good better best little less least bad worse worst far farther/ further farthest/furthest cold _______ _______ nice _______ _______ large _______ _______ easy _______ _______ important _______ _______ wet _______ _______ careful _______ _______ heavy _______ _______ delicious _______ _______ clever _______ _______ narrow _______ _______ simple _______ _______ difficult _______ _______ high _______ _______ warm _______ _______ short _______ _______ 三、形容词各等级的用法: 1. 原级(同级)的比较:not as/so …as; as…as. She isn’t as/so active in sports as before. You’re a boy as good as Tom.=You’re as good a boy as Tom. 2.比较级:表示两者间的,可用much, a little, even 等修饰: He is even richer than I. 3. 最高级:前面要加the, 后面多用of/in…短语表示范围。 He is the tallest of the three. 4. 如果表示两者之间的“最……”,前面要加the, 而且还用of the two, of the pair 短语。 John is the cleverer of the two boys. 5.用比较级表示最高级: 约翰是班里最高的男生。 John is taller than any other boy in the class. = John is the tallest boy in the class. 6. the more … the more… 越……越…… The more food you eat, the fatter you are. 7. more and more 越来……越…… More and more students realize the importance of a foreign language. * Our country is getting stronger and stronger. 四、名词所有格: 1. 在名词词尾加 ’s my brother’s toy 2. 词尾有s 或者 es, 只加 ’ Teachers’ Day 3. 名词是复数,但


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