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尔斯的正义观,指出其构建社会结构存在的缺陷与不足之处。“他山之石,可以 攻玉”,吸收借鉴西方政治哲学思想,尤其是注意罗尔斯对平等问题的关注,对 构建指导中国市场经济建设与民主法制、民主政治建设的马克思主义政治哲学有 重要意义。 关键词:正义 罗尔斯 原初状态 马克思 共产主义社会 III Abstract Abstract AAbbssttrraacctt Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought. After utilitarianism occupied in the field of political philosophy for about a hundred years, American philosopher John Rawls carried on and developed the theory of classical social contract constructed by Hobbes. He set up the original position as the logical starting point, and applied the principle of justice to the basic structure of society, guaranteeing the priority of freedom and then stressing of equality. Rawls concerned about the prospect of the least fortunate group which was regarded as reference point for principles of justice choosing, reconciling the contradiction between freedom and equality, giving a significant solution to the problem of equality. Rawls’ theory of justice as fairness criticized the utilitarianism, transcended the classical liberalism, which made the subject of the political philosophy convert correspondingly. Rawls theory of justice received waves of praise, but also attracted criticism and challenges to the parties, these criticisms came from within liberalism, communitarianism, and other schools. In theoretical debate with the parties, Rawls completed his own theory and made supplement to it, turning the comprehensive liberalism to the political liberalism. He acknowledged that the social reality of multiple reasons, emphasizing the concept of justice is the political consensus. Of course, PoliticalLiberalismdoes not deviate from the theme ——justice as fairness pursued in A Theory of Justice, it is still an extension of A Theory of Justice. In PoliticalLiberalism, R



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