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 6 () No. 6   2006 11 Journal of East China Norm al University (Natural Science) Nov. 2006 :1000-5641(2 006 )06-0001-08 *特约综述 * 沈焕庭,  胡 刚 ( ,  20 00 62 ) :、-、 10 , . : ;;; . :; ;  :P73 7. 1  :A Estuarine and Coastal Erosion:A Review SHEN Huan-ting,  HU Gang (S t ate K ey L abor atory of E stuar ine and Coasta l Sc ience, E ast Chi na N or mal Uni v ersi ty , S hang hai 200062, Chi na) Abstract: This a er gave a review of the state of the art of studies in the ast ten years on the coastal erosion rocesses and mechanisms, atterns and models, and ossible counter measures, analysed the rogressively deteriorated status of coastal erosion in China, and offered four sug- gestions on how to further conduct this research:Strengthening the study of estuarine and coas-t al erosion caused by human being;combining the resarches of tideflat and channel erosions; ay- ing high at tention to the study of coastal erosions in the three delta areas in China;and intensi-f ying observations onsite. Key words: estuaries and coasts; coastal erosion; the delta areas 0  引  言 ,. 、、、、. 、  :2 006-08  :(4576042);(04 DZ12 09)  :2 .  :(1979 - ), , , . 2 () 20 06 , . ,、、、, , ,,. . , , . 13 % ,42 %,60 %. 、 1 /3,1 /2 , . ,. . , . . 50 , ,, . 2 0 50 ,, , 、,. (1993 )20 90 ,70 % [1] . 10 , , . ,, , ,. 1  国外河口海岸侵蚀研究进展 ,. ,, 1906 , 1949 《》. 2 0 60 , ,,. , 3 m /a. 19 62 《》. , 1972 “ ”, ,. 1974 Bird ,“”, . , . 20 60 , 、、、、 , . 10 ,. 1. 1   Ömer Yüksek


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