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不合格DBS Company Logo L o g o * Puncture Ring or middle finger palmer surface- approximately half way between the center of finger and side or tip, with a sterile lancet. * Puncture the patients finger with a sterile lancet or autolet. Dispose of the used autolet in the appropriately labeled sharp’s container. * Wipe away the first drop of blood with a clean gauze pad. The first drop of blood often contains excess tissue fluids which can alter the results of the test. Gently massage the patients finger to establish the flow of blood and to create a small bubble of blood to sample. Do NOT squeeze the patients finger as tissue fluid may dilute the sample. * For collection into a capillary tube, turn the patient’s hand over so that the blood drop forms toward the floor. Establish a bubble of blood for sampling. Holding the collection tube at an angle of about 10 degrees below the collection site, touch the tapered end of the tube into the bubble of blood. Capillary action will cause the blood to fill the tube. As the blood starts entering the tube be careful not to allow air bubbles to enter. Avoid collecting smeared blood and do not collect blood that has run into the cuticle or nail area. * For collection on filter paper, lightly touch the paper to a large blood drop. Allow the blood to the blood to soak through and completely fill the circle with a single application of blood. Apply blood to one side of the paper only. Fill remaining circles in the same manner. 婴儿艾滋病感染早期诊断检测标本 采集、运输及保存的要求 内 容 干血斑标本的采集 干血斑标本的制作 干血斑标本的保存 干血斑标本的运输 合格和不合格的干血斑 注意事项 送样单的规范填写 什么是干血斑(DBS)? 干血斑是 直接用滤纸收集一滴全血进行干燥 用于血样本的长时间储存 DBS是用HIV DNA-PCR方法进行婴儿HIV感染早期诊断检测的最佳采血方法 HIV DNA和HIV抗体可稳定地保存在干血斑中 转运方便:无需冷藏 * 干血斑(Dried Blood Spot DBS) 使用Whatman903滤纸片,患者的全血制备 末梢血直接用于DBS的制作 采集用EDTA抗凝的静脉血混匀滴在滤纸片 上制备DBS; 采集样本所需要的设备 末梢采血针或静脉采血 酒精棉 血样本采集卡 片(滤纸片 可密封的塑料袋 湿度指示卡 干燥剂(1-2g/袋) 采集末梢血DBS 采集部位:足弓(幼儿采血点) 采集末梢血DBS 成人或1岁以上儿童手指采血点 中指或无名


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