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专题十四 交际英语;Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.; 情景交际用语指在特定的语境中运用的语言。情景交际用语范围广泛,形式多样,灵活多变,这些情景交际语言的结构无不体现着英语国家的文化、风俗和习惯。 情景交际用语的功能主要包括四十一个项目。;1.问候(Greetings) ①Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. ②Hello/ Hi. ③How are you? Fine, thank you, and you? ④Best wishes/ regards to sb. ⑤Please give/ send my regards/ best wishes/ love to sb. ⑥Say hello to sb. ⑦Please remember me to sb.;2.介绍(Introductions) ①This is Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms./ Comrade.../ May I introduce you to...?/ Id like you to meet... ②My name is.../ Im a student/ teacher, etc. ③Im Chinese.;3.告别(Farewells) ①Im afraid I must be leaving now./ I think its time for us to leave now. ②Good bye!/ Bye bye!/ Bye!/ See you later/ tomorrow./ See you./ Good night. 4.感谢和应答(Thanks and responses) ①Thank you(very much)./ Thanks a lot./ Many thanks./ Thanks for.../ Its very kind of you to... ②Not at all./ Its/ Thats all right./ You are welcome.;5.祝愿、祝贺和应答(Good wishes, congratulations responses) ①Good luck!/ Best wishes to you!/ I wish you good luck/ success!/ Good journey (to you)!/ Have a good trip./ Have a nice/ good/ wonderful time./ Congratulations./ Id like to congratulate you on.../ Happy New Year!/ Merry Christmas!/ Happy birthday to you! ②Thank you./ The same to you.;6.道歉、遗憾和应答(Apologies, regrets, sympathies responses) ①Sorry./ Pardon./ Im sorry./ Im sorry for/ about.../ Im sorry to hear.../ Im sorry to have+v.-ed/ that... ②Excuse me(for...)/ Im afraid of.../ Im afraid I was very rude./ I didnt mean to be so rude./ What a pity./ Shame!/ Its a pity that... ③Thats all right./ It doesnt matter./ Thats nothing./ Thats OK./ Never mind./ Dont worry about that.;7.邀请和应答(Invitations and responses) ①Will you come to...?/ Would you like to...?/ Id like to invite you to... ②Yes, Id love to(...)./ Yes, its very kind/ nice of you. ③Id love to, but... 8.提供(帮助等)和应答(Offers and responses) ①Can/ Could/ Shall I help you?/ Would you like me to...?/ Is there anything


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