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英语含bit短语总结关于含有bit的短语,如a bit, a little bit, a few bit, bit of, a bit of,a little bit of, a few bit of,?等等?1、bitn.一点,一块;?少量,少许;?一会儿,一转眼; [计]?比特(二进位制信息单位);adj.很小的,微不足道的;adv.[口语]相当,有点儿,或多或少,多少[abit to的省略];vt.给(马)上嚼子;?上衔铁;?抑制;?制约;v.咬,叮( bite的过去式);?刺痛;?咬饵;?有咬(或叮)的习性;?2、bit的词组用作名词?(n.)?a bit at a time渐渐地,一步一步地?by degreesWell master the language a bit at a time.??????我们会一步一步地掌握这门语言。?a bit much不受欢迎,过分,不合理?unwelcome; excessive; unreasonableThe noise from that party is getting a bitmuch.???从聚会上传来的喧闹声越来越过分了。Its a bit much ringing me up at threeoclock in the morning.?????凌晨3点钟就打电话来,太不像话了。?a bit thick不公平,不合理?more than one can or wishes totolerate; not fair or reasonableIts a bit thick expecting us to work onSundays.??想让我们在星期日也工作,可真不像话。?bits and pieces各种各样的小零碎儿small objects or items of various kindsI always have a lot of bits and pieces inmy coat pocket.?????我的大衣口袋里总是装着零七八碎儿的东西。Let me get my bits and pieces together.?让我来把我的零碎东西归并一下。?bit by bit一点儿一点儿地,逐渐地?a piece at a time; graduallyHe assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.???他一块一块地装配飞机模型。He saved money bit by bit until he hadenough to buy a car.??????他一点儿一点儿攒钱直到够买一辆汽车。They fell back bit by bit until the groundthey had gained was lost.????他们一点点地退却,直到把他们占领的土地失去。We must strive hard to apply what we havestudied and carry it out bit by bit.??我们必须努力地应用所学的东西并一点点地贯彻执行。The patient drank the medicine up bit bybit.???????病人一点儿一点儿地把药全喝了下去。Bit by bit, the group accepted the idea.?渐渐地,大家接受了这个想法。We eased the lid off bit by bit.??????我们慢慢地把盖子旋开了。?champ at the bit急于开拓,颇不耐烦?be eager to begin; be tired ofbeing held back; want to startAs punishment John was kept after schoolfortwo hours.He was champing at the bit to go out.??????约翰被罚放学后禁闭两小时,他着急想出去。?do ones bit做自己分内的事,做有益的贡献?do ones share (of a task);make a useful contributionI am willing to do my bit.?????我愿意尽一份力。They had done their bit and were nowreleased from service.?????他们已经尽了他们的一份力量,现在已不在岗位上了。In wartime everyone should do his bit,either at the front or at home.???????战争期间每一个人都应该尽一份力量,不管是在前线还


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