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摘 要 摘 要 王畿是明代理学家王守仁的著名弟子,他对王守仁的心学思想的传播和发展做出了 重要的贡献,他延续了王守仁的良知思想,并在此基础上对良知思想进行了更深层次的 发展,形成了自己的一套体系。本文以王畿对良知思想的阐释为切入点,系统研究良知 思想的概念,并结合他的思想特征与他的价值观进行重新的解读,力求在此基础上对他 的思想做出客观的评价。 本体论、工夫论与境界论是王畿良知思想的重要组成部分,本文对这三个部分分别 加以阐述,第一章对良知思想进行了大致的概括,这一章从四无说和良知的特性入手, 详细阐述了王畿的良知本体论思想;第二章对王畿致良知的工夫论进行研究,论述先天 正心与后天诚意在王畿工夫论中的关系,并对致良知的求悟、保任以及忘化三层工夫做 了细致的研究;第三章着重阐述了王畿的境界论,即超脱世俗、超越生死和独来独往的 人生境界。对王畿良知思想的研究有利于人们对自己的行为进行反思,在解决现代人的 心性修养问题上能够起到一定的启示作用。 关键词 王畿 良知 本体 工夫 境界 I Abstract Abstract Wang Ji, who is a well-known disciple of Master Wang Shouren, has made a great contribution to the School of Mind in Chinese history of philosophy. He continued the theory of innate knowledge, based on it he make it more deeper, and gradually formed his own system .This article based on the explaination of innate knowledge, view the theory in the whole system, and combine the characteristic thoughts and value theory, give some objective evaluation of Wang Ji’s philosophy. Innate knowledge, effect theory and self-cultivation are three parts of Wang Ji’s innate knowledge theory. This article depends on this three parts to explain it. The first chapter briefly summarize the innate knowledge at first, and then explain the “four wu”theory and the character of the innate knowledge ;the second chapter explain the theory of the effort, the ralationship of innate and postnatal effort and discuss three works to get to know the innate knowledge, want to know, keep the knowledge a



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