切眼顶板破碎条件下设备安装新工艺 .pdfVIP

切眼顶板破碎条件下设备安装新工艺 .pdf

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学兔兔 201 1年第8期 煤 炭 工 程 切眼顶板破碎条件下设备安装新工艺 张军周,焦义伟,王继宇,崔建斌,李建全,党国军,郭瑞玲 (平顶山天安煤业股份有限公司六矿,河南平顶山 467091) 摘 要:文章就综采工作面缩采安装时,切眼遭遇极破碎顶板、压力大,随时有冒项危险现 状,及时改变支护方案,科学选取安装新工艺,打破传统综采工作面安装方式,采用倒向下架安 装。该工艺解决了特殊条件下安装空间不足和安装时易引发冒顶危险问题,不但减少了费用,而 且加快了安装工期,确保特殊条件下设备安装的安全。 关键词:综采工作面;切眼;破碎顶板;安装;新工艺 中图分类号:TD350.6 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1671—0959(201 1)08-0055-03 New Technique of Equipment Installation Under Broken Roof Condition of Open一0置!f Cut ZHANG Jun—zhou,JIAO Yi—wei,WANG Ji—yu,CUI Jian—bin,LI Jian—quan, DANG Guo—jun,GUO Rui—ling (No.6 Mine,Pingdingshan Tian an Coal Mining Corporation Ltd.,Pingdingshan 467091,China) Abstract:During the installation of the equipment applied to the fully mechanized coal mining face,the open—off cut operation had an ultra broken roof,high roof pressure and a danger status of the roof ready to falling.The roof support plan was timely changed,the new installation technique was scientifically selected,the conventional installation method of the fully mechanized coal mining face was broken and the powered support was reversely transported and installed.Thus the installation space insufficient and the danger problems of the roof falling occurred in potential under the special conditions could be solved,not only the cost could be reduced,the installation period could be reduced and the safety of the equipment installation under the special condition could be ensured. Keywords:fully mechanized coal mining face;open—off cut;broken roof;installation;new technique 1 工作面基本情况 2 切眼支护 戊,|m一22130东部为四、六矿边界,西部是戊二下山 2.1 切眼原支护及变形情况


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