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中文摘要 杨亿是宋初一位名动一时的诗人和文学家,因和刘筠、钱惟演等人屡有唱和 而闻名当时,形成当时有名的文学集团西昆派。他们的唱和诗被整理成《西昆酬 唱集》。杨亿是这个文学集团的代表人物之一。杨亿生平创作了大量的诗文,现 在仅存他自己整理的文集《武夷新集》和《西昆酬唱集》中所保存唱和诗。本文 拟对杨亿现存的文章作一个较为全面的考察。 本文共分为三章。第一章分为两节,第一节介绍杨亿生平,第二节考察杨亿 主要作品及其创作年份。第二章考察杨亿的应用文创作,共分为三节。第一节主 要考察杨亿的墓志铭、神道碑(表)、哀祭文创作;第二节主要考察杨亿的序文 创作,包括贈序、书序和诗序创作;第三节主要考察杨亿的表、状、书、启和其 它应用文的创作。第三章考察杨亿文章的艺术特色,共分为三节。第一节主要考 察杨亿文的气势恢宏、富丽堂皇的风格;第二节主要考察杨亿文的清新自然、感 情真挚风格;第三节考察杨亿文的成就与局限。 关键词:杨亿 应用文 艺术特色 I Abstract Yangyi is a famous poet and writer in the early Song Dinasity, He,with Liuyun and Qian Weiyan, formed a famous literature group named Xikun Poem Group at that time.Yangyi was considered as one of the role of leaders of them and the most outstanding poets at that time.Their poems writing for each other are about communication and entertainment,which are collected in "Xikun exchange poems Collection". Yangyi have created a lot of proses.This paper consists of the following three parts. Chapter 1 Introduction of biography of Yangyi and the years he writes the proses.It mainly introduces the life experiences of Yangyi and his proses written in different years. Chapter 2 Introduction of Yangyi’s practical writings.It is divided into three parts.Part 1 focus on Yangyi epitaphs, the inscription, the funeral oration; Part 2 mainly focus on perfaces of Yangyi,which are classified into three:One is written before the body talking about main idea of the body;Other is written before a poem which introduces the reason of writing the poem;The last is written for a friend who is leaving for other place.Part 3 concentrates on letters of Yangyi,the proses for emperor,and so o


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