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* 第十八讲 九年级 Units 5~6 类别 新课标要求 重 点 词 汇 拓 展 1.final→adv.最后;最终地 finally 2.worried→(同义词)adj.焦虑的 anxious→v.使烦恼;使焦虑 worry 3.interview→n.面试者;采访者 interviewer 4.noise→adj.吵闹的;嘈杂的 noisy→adv.吵闹地 noisily 5.mystery→adj.神秘的;不可思议的 mysterious 6.dishonest→(反义词)adj.诚实的 honest 7.photography→n.照片 photograph→n.摄影者;摄影师 photographer 8.taste→adj.味道好的;味美可口的 tasty 9.main→adv.主要地;首要地 mainly 重 点 短 语 记 忆 1.belong to属于 2.make up 形成;组成;构成 3.use up 用完;用光;耗尽 4.be worried about 为……而担心 5.be careful of 当心;注意 6.turn off 关掉 7.prefer...to... 与……相比,更喜欢…… 8.remind of 提醒;使记起 9.on display 展览;陈列 10.suit sb. (fine) (口语)(很)合某人的意;对某人(很)合适 11.over the years 多年来 12.to be honest (作插入语)老实说;说实在的 13.be bad for 对……有害 14.stay away from 与……保持距离 15.be in agreement 意见一致 类别 新课标要求 重 点 句 型 整 理 1.The hair band must belong to Linda. 2.It cant be Johns. Its much too small for him. 3.Its crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam. 4.There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood... 5.I like music that I can dance to. 6.I love singers who write their own music. 7.It does have a few good features,though. 1.The hair band must belong_to Linda. 这个发带一定属于琳达。(Unit 5) belong to 意为“属于”,to是介词,后加名词或代词宾格作宾语。  Which club does he belong to?他属于哪个俱乐部? ①belong to 不用于进行时态,也无被动语态; ②belong to 后不能接形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,但可以转化。 This car belongs to me. =This is my car. =This car is mine.这辆车属于我。 2.It cant be Johns.Its_much_too small for him. 它不可能是约翰的。它对他来说太小了。(Unit 5) much too 意为“很;太;十分”,只能用作副词,后接形容词或副词。 Learning English well is much too difficult. 把英语学好太难了。 【辨析】 too much,much too与too many ①too much意为“太多”,可以修饰不可数名词,作定语;也可单独使用,作主语、宾语或表语;还可作副词,作状语,表示“太多”。 ②much too只能作副词,修饰形容词或副词,表示“十分;非常”。 ③too many意为“太多”,后接可数名词复数,作定语。 He has too much trouble in his life. 他生活中的麻烦太多了。 Im much too tired to go out. 我实在累得不能出去了。 There are too many people on the square. 广场上有太多人。 3.Its_crucial_that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam.这次考试对我来说很重要,因为它要按30%被计入期末考试。(Unit 5) 此句中it是形式主语,真正主语是“that I study for it ”。句式特点为:


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