As his name is, so is he.人如其名.ppt

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As his name is, so is he.人如其名

Even so, one prominent magazine consistently refused to print Joe in my by-line... (Para. 4) Meaning: However, one well-known magazine repeatedly refused to print my name Joe as the name of the writer of the story or article... 1. I suspect that if I were a more refined Arthur or Adrian, the name would have appeared complete. (L29. para.5) 2. …names with a positive sense can work for you, even encourage new acquaintances.(L31. para.5) 3.…we are all guilty of name stereotyping to some extent.(L39.para.6) carpenter and Nigel: The name Nigel usually donates a champion or an artist who are of higher social class, while a carpenter is usually seen as a labor worker of lower social class. So people will be surprised to meet a carpenter with the name Nigel. physicist and Bertha: Bertha usually makes people think of somebody who is fat. A physicist, however, should know how to eat healthily and keep a good figure. That is why people will be surprised to meet a physicist with the name of Bertha. Pope and Mel : A Pope is a person of very high social class and is highly respected. However, the name Mel usually donates an image of a car repairman. If a Mel drinks, he drinks beer instead of wine. That is why people will be surprised to meet a Pope with the name of Mel. ... we project name-based stereotypes on people... (Para. 6) Meaning: ... we imagine that people have the qualities suggested by their names... Julian (m.): patient, careful, cautious, conservative, intense. It derives from Julius, the name of a Roman emperor. Rory (m.): practical, logical, analytical, systematic, particular, serious. It is of Irish origin, meaning red king. 虽然我们都认为自己不受金钱的诱惑,但我们常常为赚钱所困, 而不能自拔。 lure of money / be stuck in sth. / money making Back 典 型 例 句 意 群 提 示 新视野 - 程序性知识提炼与应用 N H C E Though we all like to think ourselves free from the lure of money, we are often stuck in money making. Confess: Wouldn’t you be surprised to meet a carpenter named Nig


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