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英美文学考研讲座         杨建玫          河南财经政法大学外语系 一. 复习内容及要点: 二. 复习范围: 三. 复习方法及时间安排: 四. 试题类型及解题方法: 五. 一些学校的考试重点:  六. 参考书目: 一. 复习内容及要点: 1. Main writers and their main works: 1.1. key factors of their principal works: ? novels: plot, theme, character analysis, language style:mood, point of view, symbolism. poems: literal meanings and figurative meanings, theme, style (meter,rhyme, types of the poem, tone, imagery, symbolism, figures of speech, diction, syntax structure, rhythm) ? c.Drama: plot, characters, theme, language style d. essays: theme, language style. 1.2. principal writers: literary positions, contributions; traits in writings (main themes; style) Eg. Mark twain: 2. Connecting the historical background, the literary situations they are in, i.e. literary trend of thought. Eg. Twain: 3. Minor writers: the literary school; the era; titles of his important works. Eg. Walt Scott: Ivanhoe 二. 复习范围: 各校各异: 1. 强调经典时期:-----WWII. 2. 综合性强:从古到今:Chaucer---1960s WWII之后的重要作家作品: Who are representative writers? What themes do they explore? How about their writing features? Jewish writers: Soul Bellow: Herzog, Dangling Man; Bernard Malamud Chinese A. writers: Maxinghong Kingston Black writers: Tony Morrison, Alice Walker Women writers: 三. 复习方法及时间安排: 分---总(由点到面): three stages:记笔记: 微观上,学习每位作家及其主要作品的特点; 宏观上,记住每个时期的主要作家及其共同特点: 1. --8月:系统学习单个作家, all the related textbooks and history of literature. Eg. Hardy; 2. 9-10月:将作家作品放在宏观语境下复习记忆:Eg. Victorian lit. 3. 11-12月:弱点、难点,强化训练 四. 试题类型及解题方法: 1.名词解释:150-200字左右(4%)北航、天津外院 1)文学术语 A. 文学流派: 答题思路: 1)背景:时间,地点,所受影响;2)特点:3)意义; 4)代表作家作品 例如:Naturalism: a new and harsher realism, coming from Europe. In the last decade of the 19th c, with the development of industry and modern science, people began to see that man was no longer a free ethical being in a cold, indifferent and essentially Godless universe. In this chance world he was both helpless and hopeless. They saw man’s life as governed by the two forces


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