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我国医疗保险费用支付方式的分析 近年来,随着经济的飞速发展,人类的健康需求日益增多,但医疗费用的过快增长一定程度上影响了人类的医疗需求,“看病难、看病贵”现象成为当前制约我国经济发展的瓶颈难题,更成为我国医疗保险制度重点探索改革的政策问题。为了有效减少医疗供方的过度供给和医疗需方的过度消费,医疗保险经办机构需要改变传统、单一的付费方式,探索建立科学、合理的多元化付费方式,将医疗费用控制前移,实现“医疗资源配置合理化”和“医疗保障有效化”的双重目标。 本文主要部分共计四个章节,第一章阐述了选题意义,文献阅读等方面的问题,第二章阐述现行的医疗保险费用支付方式,并比较优缺点。第三章通过对我国和典型西方国家医疗保险费用支付的对比,得出我国现行医疗保险支付方式的问题所在,并总结出经验教训。第四章则是尝试构建我国的新型医疗保险费用支付体系,并完善配套的管理及监督体系,同时提出应该予以注意的其他问题。 关键词:医疗费用,支付方式 In recent years, with the rapid development of economy, the demand of human health is increasing, but the excessive growth of medical expenses to a certain extent, affected the human medical needs, medical treatment is difficult, expensive phenomenon has become a bottleneck problem restricting Chinas economic development, more become Chinas medical insurance system reform focuses on policy issues the. In order to reduce the excessive consumption of medical service providers over supply and demand of medical treatment, medical insurance agencies need to change the traditional, single payment methods, explore the establishment of a diversified science, reasonable pay, the medical expense control forward, to achieve the dual goals of medical resources allocation rationalization and medical security effective. 本文主要部分共计四个章节,第一章阐述了选题意义,文献阅读等方面的问题,第二章阐述现行的医疗保险费用支付方式,并比较优缺点。第三章通过对我国和典型西方国家医疗保险费用支付的对比,得出我国现行医疗保险支付方式的问题所在,并总结出经验教训。第四章则是尝试构建我国的新型医疗保险费用支付体系,并完善配套的管理及监督体系,同时提出应该予以注意的其他问题。 The main part of this paper a total of four chapters, the first chapter elaborated the selected topic significance, the literature reading and other issues, the second chapter of the present medical insurance payment, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of. The third chapter through to the comparison between our country and the typical Western countries medical insurance payment, the current medical insurance payment problem, and summed up the experience and lessons. The fourth chapter is a new medical insurance costs to the construction of Chinas payment system, and impr



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