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分类号 密级 U D C 武汉高新技术产业发展现状探析 姓 名: 赵 楠 专 业: 国际经济与贸易 班 级: 学 号: 3300080429 指导教师: 何晖 讲师 论文外文题目: Development of High-Tech Industries in Wuhan 论文主题词: 武汉市高新技术产业 创新 产业结构 发展策略 外文主题词: High and new technology industry of wuhan city Innovation The industrial structure Strategy of development 论文答辩日期: 答辩委员会主席: 原创性声明     High and new technology industry is in the name of the economic and social development to the strategic and related industry, it is the measure of a country or region economic development level and competition strength and the core signs. The development of high-tech industry not only determines the level of a country or region in the global economy status and competitive division, also influence of future development mode and staying power. Now existing in the world today three pillar industries: the traditional industry (mainly industrial), high and new technology industries(including industrial and services) and the financial services industry, the traditional industry because of the pressure of resources and environment, making the developed countries in the traditional industry development in the serious obstacles, compared with the new and high technology industries is in rapid development period, in the central city of wuhan city development is to catch the opportunity narrowing and developed city forehead gap, wuhan hi-tech should improve the ability of independent innovation, grasps the market initiative, enhances the enterprise the internal harmony ability. At the same time the government for the countrys hi-tech industry to create a good financing platform, increase of high-tech industry support, and the protection of intellectual property rights, aux


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