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ABC;-Sensory Analysis 感官分析;What is Sensory Analysis? 什么是感官分析;texture;The Sense of Smell 嗅觉;Procedures For Smelling 闻香的程序;The Sense of Taste 味觉;Procedures For Tasting 尝味的程序;Procedures For Tasting 尝味的程序;Human as measuring Instrument 人类作为测量仪器;Human as measuring Instrument 人类作为测量仪器;Factors Influencing Sensory Measurement 影响感官测定的因素;Factors Influencing Sensory Measurement 影响感官测定的因素;Expectation error 期望的错误 Information given with the sample may trigger preconceived ideas 样品附带的信息可能导致先入为主 Stimulus error 刺激的错误 Irrelevant criteria , such as color or size influence the observer 无关的标准如颜色或大小会影响观察者; Leniency error 宽大的错误 Based on their feelings about the researcher, ignoring product differences 根据对研究者的感觉,而忽略了产品的差异;Positional bias (order effect) 位置偏见(顺序效应) Score the second product ( of a set of products) higher or lower than expected 给一组产品中第二个产品打分偏高或偏低 Contrast effect and convergence error 对照效应和集中错误 Exaggerate the difference or mask small differences between the other samples in their scores 夸大或掩盖样品间的差异;Proximity error 近似的错误 Correlation between characteristics close together maybe higher than other characteristic 相似特征间的关联比其他特征间的关联可能要高一些 Central tendency error 中心化的错误 Scoring products in the midrange of a scale to avoid extremes 给产品打分偏中等,以避免极端;Motivation 动力 Affects sensory perception. For e.g.. interested panelist is always more efficient and reliable. 动力会影响感官知觉。比如感兴趣的品尝小组成员总会更有效、更可靠。;Controls For Sensory Testing 对感官测试的控制;Environment Controls 环境的控制;Panel Booth Testing Area 品评单间的测试区域;Descriptive Evaluation Training Area 描述性品评和培训区域;Preparation Serving Area 准备和分发区域;Office Area 办公区域;Sensory Analysis Laboratory 感官分析研究所;Panelist Control 品评小组的控制;Panelist Control 品评小组的控制;Panelist Control 品评小组的控制;Panelist Control 品评小组的控制;Analytical 分析的;The Sensory tests 感官测试;成对喜偏好测试 Paired Preference Test 姓名(Name): _____________________部门(Department): _________________ Please rinse your mouth with water before starting. You have been given two samples. 开始前请先漱口。您将品尝到两个样品 Taste t


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