信天翁albatross 象征意义.ppt

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信天翁albatross 象征意义

Albatross by Yu Dandan Brief Introduction The Albatross is a large species of sea-bird. Adults of common species attain wingspans(翼展) of 7–11 ft (200–350 cm). They drink seawater and usually eat squid(乌贼). Albatrosses are very long lived; most species survive upwards of 50 years. Of the 21 species of albatrosses recognised by the IUCN, 19 have been threatened with extinction. Distribution and range at sea Global range density (in red) They range widely in the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific. King of Flying 信天翁科的鸟可以在海上长时间飞行,它们可以非常有效地利用空气动力的原理(dynamic soaring and slope soaring)在海面上滑翔,有时数小时不必扇一下翅膀。当信天翁能够掌握海面的气流,便可以随便在空中高速翻飞达2000—3000米,在1小时内可以横越113公里的海面。据记载,一只信天翁可以在12天内飞行达5000公里的旅程。信天翁科的鸟一般只在育幼时上岸,它们甚至可以在海面上睡觉。 Wisdom The Albatross is known to practice a flying technique known as dynamic soaring, meaning that the Albatross makes use of the up-drafts(上升气流) of wind above the waves to give it extra lift, for longer periods of time, and without really doing anything. Albatrosses combine these soaring techniques with the use of predictable weather systems. Knowing air currents as he does, the albatross is very good at navigating paths. Loyal and Steadfast Pair bonds between males and females form over several years, with the use of ritualised(交配) dances, and will last for the life of the pair. Albatrosses are highly philopatric(栖地忠贞), meaning they will usually return to their natal(出生的) colony to breed. A breeding season can take over a year from laying(产卵) to fledging(把雏鸟养到能够飞翔), with a single egg laid in each breeding attempt. In Greek Mythology 在希腊神话中狄俄墨得斯(Diomedes)曾统帅80艘希腊战船,在特洛伊战争中立下奇功。战后,在一次航行中,他的船队遇到暴风雨,他们随风飘到意大利海岸。于是,他在那里建立一个小王国,自任国王,直到去世。他死后,他的同伴全部变成鸟,据说这些鸟就是信天翁。 Symbolic Meaning Albatross as totem(图腾): Central Attributes(属性): Stamina(毅力); Grace; Independence; Monogamy(一夫一妻制); Faithfulness; Loyalty;Messenger. Positive character traits: Loyal, independent, graceful, calm, open-minded, lenient(仁慈的),Successful, enduring. Negative character traits: Air-heade


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