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图表类作文 Writing practic图表数据分析类 1. 花费 2. 认为 3. 上升 4. 下降 5. 稳定 6. 对比 7. 举例 8. 归纳 9. 分别地 10 . 急剧地 11. 极大地 12. 相当程度地 13. 逐步地 14. 大约 15. 占7% 16. 大多数的学生 17. 位居第…. 的是…. 18. 赞成 19. 反对 Sentence writing 最近,在中学生中进行了一个调查。 Recently, a survey has been conducted among the high school students. 调查的目的是找出学生们花费在课余活动时间 The purpose of the survey is to find out the time the students spend on different after-class activities. 学生花93分钟做作业。 The students spend 93 minutes in doing homework. 做作业占93分钟 Doing homework takes up 93 minutes. 学生花大部分时间做作业,占课余时间的39%。 Students put most of time into doing homework , which makes up 39% of their spare time Sentences 1. 油价突然大涨。 Oil prices have risen sharply recently . 2. 2002年蓝天的数字大约是206天。 In 2002 , the number of blue skies was approximately 206. 3. 学生们花几乎相同的时间在听音乐和玩电脑上,分别是34%和30%。 The students spend nearly the same amount of time in listening to music and working on a computer , respectively 34% and 30% . 4. 位居第二的是读小说,占30%。 Next in line is reading novels , making up 30% . 5. 喜欢流行歌曲的学生的人数是喜欢古典音乐的人数的两倍。 The number of the students who prefer to pop songs is twice as many as that of those who enjoy classic music. 6. 数量比去年增加了两倍。 The number is twice more than that of last year. Student Use of Computer . 下图所示为1990年、1995年、2000年某校大学生使用计算机的情况, 1.请描述其变化; 2. 请说明发生这些变化的原因 3. 你认为目前中学生在计算机使用中有什么困难和问题。 1. 正如上图表所示,某大学大学生使用电脑的周平均时间数在1990年到2000年期间有很大的变化。 As is shown in the chart above, the average amount of time the students in a university spent in using computers changed a lot during the period from 1990 to 2000. As the chart above shows, there was a great increase in the average amount of time the students in a university spent in using computers during the period from1990 to 2000. 2. 有几个造成这一变化的因素。 There are several factors which contribute to the change. 3. 随着经济和技术的发展,近几年越来越多的人有电脑。 With the development of economy and technology, in recent years more and more people have had their own computers. With economy and technology developing , .. As e


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