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描写翻译学派和文化转向俄与俄罗斯形式主义有着密切的联系,而形式主义的一个特点就是所谓的的细读作品(close reading)。描写学派正是通过细读作品发现了其中不少违反当时行为常式的情况。而无法用现有的翻译理论合理充分的加以解释。为了解释这种有违常规的翻译现象,描写翻译学者在细读文本的基础上,开始研究文本之外的因素对译文文本的影响,进而研究文本与文化的互动关系。(林克难) 描写翻译产生背景 Brief Introduction of Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond The main aim of this book is precisely to tackle some of the main issues involved in establishing such a systematic and descriptive-explanatory branch and embedding it at the very heart of the discipline as it grows empirical. It is a replacement of In Search of a Theory of Translation published in 1980. Content Included Part one is expository to deal with the pivotal position of descriptive studies – and of a descriptive-explanatory branch – within Translation Studies. Part two comprises a lot of methodological discussions, including a Rationale for descriptive studies in translation. It serves a necessary framework and background for Part Three. Part three presents an assortment of case studies, referring to issues of various scope and level, from a whole historical move through the translation of single texts to the translational treatment of lower-level entities. The guiding principle here was to tackle each issue within higher level contexts: texts and modes of behavior – in the appropriate culture array; textual components –in texts, and through these texts in culture constellations again. Content Included Finally, the Part four addresses the crucial question what is knowledge accumulated through descriptive studies performed within one and the same framework likely to yield. Besides, the formulating laws of standardization and interference and drawing implications for applied activities lie beyond the scope of these studies. Content Included About Toury’s Descriptive Norms Brief Introduction of Toury Born in Haifa, in 1942, Gideon Toury is a world-renowned pioneer in Translation Studies and one of the leading theoreticians in the field. He was greatly influence by Russian Formalists and Czech Stru


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