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学习内容:定语从句 授课老师:尹鸿耀 定语从句中who和which的使用区别(课题) Micro Course 授课教师:尹鸿耀 学校:东莞中学松山湖学校 此处插入经压缩后的授课教师照片,大小不能超出此相框 本人希望通过这节微课的学习,能够让学生基本掌握定语从句中who和which的使用区别,学会如何判断用哪一个关系词,并最终能够运用简单的定语从句进行实际的运用。 Noby Big G Sneech Sue Doraemon Anywhere Door Yummy buns Doraemon robot Noby Big G Sneech Sue Doraemon Anywhere Door Yummy buns 人 person 物 thing 1. Doraemon is a robot. 2. It looks like a cat. Doraemon is a robot ______ looks like a cat. which 1. Doraemon has an Anywhere Door. 2. It can take people to any place. Doraemon has an Anywhere Door _____ can take people to any place. which 1. Yummy buns are Doraemon’s favourite food. 2. They are delicious. Yummy buns are Doraemon’s favourite food _______ are delicious. which 1. Noby is a student. 2. He wears glasses. Noby is a student _____ wears glasses. who 1. Sue is a pretty girl. 2. She can play the violin. Sue is a pretty girl ______ can play the violin. who Doraemon is a robot which looks like a cat. Doraemon has an Anywhere Door which can take people to any place. Yummy buns are Doraemon’s favourite food which are delicious. Noby is a student who wears glasses. Sue is a pretty girl who can play the violin. which who 先行词 1. (2010·济南市) – This story talks about a king ______ is called Arthur. A. who B. which C. he D. his name 2. (2010·杭州) – You can’t wake a person ____ is pretending to be asleep. A. who B. which C. he D. / 3. (2012·广州) – Whenever he was late, he could find plenty of excuses ____ sounded reasonable. A. who B. where C. when D. which Now, a boy called Tom from America wants to know about the characters in Daraemon. Can you introduce them? Doraemon Noby Big G Sue … … boy girl student robot child … … wear glasses play the violin look like a cat like eating yummy buns like singing but so badly … … is which who 先行词 邮箱:381402107@ more information



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