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摘 要 道路货运场站是道路运输枢纽的重要交通基础设施,对提高道路运输的效率, 降低运输成本,提升服务水平,实现交通可持续发展具有举足轻重的作用。当前, 汉中市道路货运场站建设现状整体滞后,货运站场建设不能适应货运量增长和物流 服务的需求。 为此,根据汉中市目前道路货运场站情况进行规划的相关问题研究,重点研究 了汉中市道路货运场站的合理布局、场站内部系统建设、道路货运信息系统建设, 并提出规划建设的保障措施。力图通过研究能够加快汉中市道路运输枢纽建设的措 施,建设与汉中经济社会发展、城市格局以及干线公路网布局相适应,与多种运输 方式相衔接,满足道路货运发展需求的公路运输枢纽及其货运网络服务体系。汉中 市道路运输站场的合理规划,能统筹协调和推进汉中市道路货运物流业发展,促进 陕南地区与周边地区经济快速发展,为实现西部大开发与区域经济共同发展,具有 重大意义。 关键词:道路货运场站、规划问题、措施 II 第一章 绪论 Abstract Road freight station is an important transport infrastructure, has a great effect on improving the efficiency of road transport, reducing transportation costs, improving service levels and achieving the sustainable development of transport. However, the freight station development of HanZhong’s traffic infrastructure is lagging behind the economic’s steps , it can not meet the cargo growth and services demanding of logistics. According to the road freight station planning of Hanzhong City , this article is focusing on the rational distribution of Hanzhong City road freight station , researching on the internal system of the station building and the road freight information system.At the same time, put forward the planning and construction of protection measures. Trying to accelerate the construction of Hanzhong economic and social development with the measures. Through using the urban pattern and trunk road network layout, dovetail with a variety of modes of transport, to meet the needs of the development of road freight road transport hub freight network service system. The rational planning of Hanzhong City road transport station can promote Hanzhong City road freight logistics industry development, promote in Southern Shaanxi Province and the surrounding areas of rapid economic development in western development and give th


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