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油田开发效果综合评价指标筛选的组合方法 李 斌1 毕永斌2 潘欢2 樊会兰2 (1中国石油冀东油田公司 2中国石油冀东油田公司勘探开发研究院) 摘要 随着油田开发工程的发展,需要改变过去对油田开发效果单一评价及确定评价指标凭经验的状况,必须要进行综合评价。而筛选评价指标又是进行综合评价的前提。筛选的正确与否,关系到评价结果的可靠与可信。在简单分析了筛选方法的利弊后,采用简化的专家一次打分法、比重法和聚类分析法的组合方法。组合筛选方法将定性与定量指标相结合,技术、经济、管理等方面指标相结合,从系统论的整体性出发,在影响油田开发效果的因素中优化筛选出具有代表性、独立性,并能反映评价油田开发效果指标,避免了因量纲、单位、数值量级的不同,而造成的筛选前需进行评价指标一致化与无因次化处理,降低了计算量,提高了工作效率,简单便捷。从筛选评价指标两种方法的结果看,应该说是可行的。 关键词 油田开发 影响因素 筛选指标 综合评价 组合方法 The combination method of screening in comprehensive evaluation index of Oilfield development effect LI Bin Biyongbin panhuan jidong oilfield company of CNPC Abstract: It is necessary to carry out comprehensive evaluation and need to change the past in oilfield exploitation effect a single evaluation and the evaluation indexes of the situation with experience along with the development of oilfield development project. Screening evaluation index is the premise of the comprehensive evaluation. The screening of the correct or not, related to the evaluation results reliable and credible . Use combination method of simplified experts a scoring method, method of specific gravity and Clustering analysis after analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of screening method. Combination screening method combined the qualitative and quantitative and combined with technology, economy, management and so on various index, From the viewpoint of the integrity of the system theory, optimization Selected representative, independence, and can reflect the evaluation index of oilfield development effect from Influence factors of oilfield development effect, It avoids uniformization and non-dimensional processing because of the different of Dimension, unit, orders of magnitude different. It reduces the computational complexity, improve work efficiency, simple and convenient. It is feasible from the results of the two methods screening evaluation index. Key words: oilfield development; influence factors; screening index; comprehensive evaluation; combination m


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