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注意: 1)大多数推理题的正确答案都是对原文的 同义改写,不需要过多的推理过程; 2)选项中如果出现原文里没有的,且体现 绝对意义的词汇,一般都是错误选项; 3)选项里若出现原文中没有的最高级和比 较级,该选项也是错误选项; 4)推理题的选项比较概括性,具体事实的 选项通常都是干扰项。 原文:The oil industry goes with the high end of the range, which could equal as much as 10% of U.S. consumption for as long as six years. 63. We learn from the second paragraph that the American oil industry _______. A) shows little interest in tapping oil in ANWR B) expects to stop oil imports from Saudi Arabia C) tends to exaggerate America’s reliance on foreign oil D) believes that drilling for ANWR will produce high yields 解析:D项含有主观词汇believe,通过细节推断本句,believe替换原文的goes with,等于to accept an idea or a plan. 常见的错误选项: 1)推理过度,主次不分 例:It can be learned from the passage that oil exploitation beneath ANWR’s frozen earth_______ A) involves a lot of technological problems B) remains a controversial issue C) is expected to get under way soon D) will enable the U.S. to be oil independent 解析:选项A主次不分,选项D推理过度,选 项C缺乏依据 正确选项的五种设置规律 同义替换 在历年篇章阅读题中,正确选项从来都不会直接采用原文的表达方式,即使采用了原文的部分词句,也一定会换用其他同义的表达方式,语义题是这一规律的典型代表。 Tips:照抄原文的选项一定不是正确答案,尽量用不同的说法来表达同样的意思。 含有模糊性概括词的一般是正确答案,而含有绝对意义词的一般是错误选项。 模糊性词语:some, certain, someone, sometimes, less, more…than… 绝对性词语:all , any , everyone , only , everything, no, none, never, must, have to, always, too, absolutely, mainly, entirely , completely, the most, hardly, scarcely , exclusively, solely , unique 概括或归纳 正确选项是对原文内容的概括或归纳,主旨题自然要遵守这一规律,观点态度题和推理题也大多符合这一规律。 Tips: 含义具体的选项一般不是正确答案,而概括、抽象的选项多是正确答案。 反义项必有答案 原文:In this consumerist age, most buyers aren’t evaluating college as an investment, but rather as a consumer product —— like a car or clothes or a house. 60. In this consumerist age, most parents______. A)regard college education as a wise investment B) place a premium on the prestige of the college C) think it crucial to send their children to college D) consider college education a consumer


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