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Asbestos Awareness 石棉意识培训 What is asbestos? 什么是石棉 Mineral easily mined and refined 容易开采和炼制的矿物 Chemically inert, non-combustible, and heat resistant 稳定、不可燃、不导热 Inexpensive 便宜 Impervious to most chemicals 与大多数化学品不反应 Used in insulation 可用于绝缘 High electrical resistance qualities and good sound absorbing characteristics 良好的抗电和吸音性能 Used in building materials installed prior to 1980. 80年代前用于建筑材料安装 Used as thermal insulation and for fire protection 用于隔热、防火 Used in floor and ceiling tiles 用于地板和天花板 Used in roofing materials 用于屋顶材料 Used in friction materials (brake pads) 用于摩擦材料(制动块) Used in textiles 用于纺织品 Used in gaskets and filters 用于垫片和过滤器 What is asbestos? 什么是石棉? Chrysotile 温石棉 Short, curly, sticky fibers. 短、卷曲、粘性纤维 Accounts for 95% of asbestos in buildings 占建筑中石棉的95%. Referred to as the “white” asbestos due to its color. 根据它的颜色也叫做”白”石棉 Amosite 铁石棉/长纤维石棉 Long, straight ( tends to break along it’s length). 长,直 Commonly found on high temperature applications as high pressure steam lines 常见用于高温、高压蒸汽管线 Crocidolite 青石棉 Less common 不常见 Different Types of Asbestos 石棉种类 Overexposure to asbestos fibers can CAUSE LUNG DISEASE 过度暴露在石棉纤维中,可能引起肺部疾病 Latency Period 20 - 40 yrs 潜伏期:20~40年 Asbestosis 石棉沉滞症 Scarring of the lungs caused by asbestos fibers 石棉纤维引起的肺部创伤 Common lung cancer (bronchial) 肺癌(支气管) Mesotheleoma Cancer of the lining of the lung.衬砌肺癌 Asbestos Related Diseases 石棉相关疾病 Asbestos worker ... five times more likely to develop lung disease 石棉工作者…产生肺部疾病的可能性提高5倍。 Heavy smoker... ten times more likely to develop lung disease 大量吸烟者…产生肺部疾病的可能性提高10倍 Asbestos worker who smokes...90 TIMES more likely to develop lung disease 抽烟的石棉工作者…产生肺部疾病的可能性提高90倍 The Effects of Smoking 吸烟影响 When damaged or disturbed, matrix breaks down into long, thin fibers. 被破坏后分解成细、长纤维。 Dangerous “friable” fibers are less than 10 microns (not visible to the naked eye). 危险的 “易碎”纤维小于10微米(肉眼看不见!) Do not settle out easily and remain airborne 不易沉降,残留在空气中 What Makes Asbestos Dangerous? 什么使石棉危险? How eas


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