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研究生学位课词汇专项练习1: 练习1: Section A Outbreaks of teenage violence here are confined to technical schools students fighting mindless. A restricted B ascribed C relevant D dedicated 2. Something clearly disturbs Thai youth and parents need to do something before things get worse. A boosts B disrupts C annoys D stuns 3. They came from different backgrounds, but both resorted to the use of handguns to resolve their problems. A objected to B took to C amounted to D turned to 4. Children do not learn what it is to lose and will seek violence to restrain their disappointment. A release B check C eliminate D restore 5. This success also stems from the language’s unique position of being the only one spoken in most parts of the world. A derives from B suffers from C evolves from D descends from 6. Street possesses a fragile, fleeting beauty that allows her to be as earthy and plain as she can be glamorous and radiant. A fragmentary B permanent C delicate D tender 7. Yet for the first time he employed a model to pose and embarked on an immensely productive period. A provoked B started C revolted D established 8. Picasso knew he was to leave a lot of emotional debris in his wake: deaths and divorces, abandoned lovers and children. A heritage B assets C ruins D valuables 9. Companies should develop strong bonds with their customers and shareholders . A merchandise B ties C bondage D tariffs 10. The family business has been entrusted to you, and you’ll feel a lot of pressure. A exchanged B transferred C committed D designated Section B 11. His plan is to be a member of the state ___ before becoming governor of New York. A coalition B commonwealth C legislative D federation 12. I had expected to win the race, but things did not ___ that way. A break out B work out C pass out D figure out 13. Anyone employing people and paying them a fair wage, in my view, makes a(an)____contribution to society. A immense B gigant


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