研究生英语精读上 Unit Five.ppt

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研究生英语精读上 Unit Five

Part Summary Para [1~2] Robert Samuelson attacks environmentalists for being dishonest. He states that environmentalists are ignorant of history and they over-blow the seriousness of the environmental problems. Part Summary Para [ 3] - [9] Compared with other disasters in human history, the environmental problem is very small. But environmentalists are using extreme scenarios to support their arguments. In fact, much progress has already been made in environmental protection. And some rigid environmental regulations have greatly checked the economic growth. Part Summary Para [10] - [12] We can balance the bias against economic growth, because economic growth is sure to help poor countries solve real problems. Wealthier nations have set good examples in this respect. Part Summary Para [13] The author gives a call for national thinking. What is more, environmentalism should hold the hype, give accurate information and frighten people less. Text Summary Mr. Samuelson criticizes the hype of environmentalism. He agrees that we have environmental problems and some reasonable measures should be taken. However, some rigid environmental regulations have greatly checked the economic growth. Environmental problems are far from what the environmentalists over-blow. He states that other issues are of greater significance. He calls for balance that will allow the economic growth. The cure for the immense problems of poor countries usually lies in economic growth. Only by becoming wealthier can countries improve their conditions. Inept government is to blame for environmental problems. Wealthier nations have set good examples to make their air and water clean. 全文翻译 并非末日来临 环境问题言过其实。地球生命仍将继续。 罗伯特 · J·塞缪尔森 全文翻译 [1]无论是谁杜撰了“拯救地球 ”这一说法,他都是一位公共关系方面的天才。这一说法既表达了对即将来临的灭顶之灾的意识,也满怀着使环境保护论带有道义紧迫感这一大的目标。同时这种说法也表明环境保护论言过其实,这种夸大在其他任何场合都会被视为是在危言耸听或愚蠢的欺骗。 全文翻译 [2] 就某种程度而言,我们的环境意识遏制了对自由经济增长所表现出的盲目热情。我们已明智地抑制了增长中所出现的一些有害的副作用,但是环境保护论却越来越像一场沉缅于狂热的宣传与对历史一无所知的圣战。每一由环境问题引发的不幸都被描绘成一场势不可挡的灾难。这场灾难如不加以制止



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