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Part A Let’s talk Let’s chant Tiger, tiger, what can you do? I can run, run, run, run. Bird, bird, what can you do? I can fly, fly, fly, fly. Elephant, elephant, what can you do? I can walk, walk, walk, walk. Rabbit, rabbit, what can you do? I can jump, jump, jump, jump. Look at the . It is______. flying Look at the . It is________. Look at the . It is________. Look at the . It is_______. Look at the . It is__________. Look at the . It is________. jumping swimming walking jumping running Review Listen and match flying swimming walking running jumping I see the mother duck and the baby duck. What is she doing? She is swimming. What is it doing? It is swimming , too. Look a the….. What is she doing? She is …. What about the ….? What is it doing? It is…. Pair work(ask and answer) mother elephant baby elephant She is walking. It is running. Group work(小组活动) 请同学们进行合作学习,编制对话。 参考: elephant swimming tiger eating monkey jumping rabbit running panda sleeping kangaroo walking bear duck fish Look at the…. What is she doing? She is…. What about the…. What is it doing? It’s…… zoo 提示: Hello! Let’s go to the zoo. Ok./ Great. Can you see the…? Yes. What colour is it? It’s……. Wha is it doing? It’s… 小组合作创编对话 Good to know 袋鼠主要分布在澳洲和南北美洲的草原上和丛林中。袋鼠是食草动物,吃多种植物,有的还吃真菌类。它们大多在夜间活动,但也有些在清晨或傍晚活动。 大型袋鼠面对人类在澳洲的开发有较高的适应力;相较之下,他们的许多小型亲戚则面临了较大的生存威胁,数量也较少。 树袋熊,又称考拉,是澳大利亚的国宝,也是澳大利亚奇特的珍贵原始树栖动物。由于考拉对食物很挑剔,桉树不受法律保护,人类持续侵占考拉的栖息地,致使它们数量骤减,再加上全球变暖、气候变化和森林大火等各种因素,考拉的数量骤减。 We should love animals! Homework: 请同学们画一幅动物园里动物的活动图片,并配上本课所学的英语句型进行说明,下节课口语展示。


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