英语unit1 friendship 综合课件(新必修1).ppt

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英语unit1 friendship 综合课件(新必修1)

6. recover vi. vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得 搭配:熟记下列搭配。 (1) recover from从……中恢复过来 (2) recover oneself使自己恢复到正常状态 (3) recover one’s balance恢复(身体)平衡 ■运用:据汉语意思完成英文句子。 (1)这个年轻人手术后很快就康复了。 That young man ________________ after the operation. (2)学生们还没有从震惊中恢复过来。 The students have not yet ______________ __________________. (3)我一定要努力学习来补上失去的时间。 I must study hard to___________________. recovered soon recovered from the shock recover the lost time ★联想: recovery n. 恢复;复苏 cover v. 覆盖;掩盖;走过 uncover vt. 揭发;暴露 discover vt. 发现 1. add up 把加起来 add up to 总计共达 add to = increase 增加 add A to B 把A加 到B上 运用:用以上的短语填空。 (1) ____________all the numbers and you will see how much you owe me. (2) All the numbers _____________ exactly 900. (3) The bad weather only __________our difficulties. (4) Don’t ________ fuel ______ the flames. Add up added up to added to add to 2. go through 经历;经受 (experience, endure or suffer) 运用:用go through完成句子。 (1)这个国家经历了太多的战争。 The country has ______________________ ___________. (2)他一生中经受过多次严峻的(severe)考验。 He has ______________________________ during his lifetime. gone through too many wars gone through many a severe test 3. set down放下,记下(=write/get/put down) 理解:理解下列句子中set down的意义与用法。 (1)He set down the bag and rested for a while. (2)I have set down everything that happened. 记下 放下 4. join in join sb. in sth. join (the Party/army) 参加(正在进行的)某项活动 和某人一起(进行正在进行的活动) 参加某个组织 (入党/参军) 运用:用join, join in完成句子。 (1)Mary started singing, and we all __________. (2) Ill persuade him to __________ our club. (3)He __________ us in the discussion yesterday. join in joined join 5. be/get tired of 对……厌烦 比较:be tired from因……累了/疲劳 同义:be fed up with对……感到厌烦 be bored with对……极其厌倦 运用:完成句子 (1)我厌倦了国外生活。 I’m tired _______________ abroad. (2)老做这样的事情,他们已经很厌烦。 They have _______________doing such things. (3)长时间地搭乘飞机您一定累了,今天就请好好休息吧。 You must ________________the long flight. Please take


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