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四、增加某些被动语态或动名词中没有具体指出的动作执行者或暗含的逻辑主语 1.The material is said to behave elastically. 我们说,这种材料具有弹性。 2.To explore the moon, s surface, rockets were launched again and again. 为了勘探月球的表面,人们一次又一次地发射火箭。 五、在形容词前加名词 1.According to Newton,s Third Law of Motion action and reaction are equal and opposite. 根据牛顿运动第三规律,作用力和反作用力是大小相等方向相反的。 2.The washing machine of this type is indeed cheap and fine. 这种类型的洗衣机真是物美价廉。 六、增加表示数量意义的概括型的词,起修饰润色作用 1.The frequency, wavelength and speed of sound are closely related. 声音的频率、波长与速度三者密切相关。 2.A designer must have a good foundation in statics, kinematis dynamics and strength of ma-terials. 一个设计人员必须在静力学、运动学、动力学和材料力学这四个方面有很好的基础。 七.增加使译文语气连贯的词 1.Manganese is a hard, brittle, gray-white metal. 锰是一种灰白的、又硬又脆的金属。 2.In general, all the metals are good conductors, with silver the best and copper the second. 一般来说,金属都是良导体,其中银最佳,铜次之。 3.Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 阅读使人充实;会谈使人敏捷;写作使人精确。 Reading Material Jig Borer New Words and Phrases jig [d?ig] n. 夹具;样板;装配架 borer [b?:r?] n. [机] 镗床;镗孔刀具 vertical [v?:tik?l] a .垂直的;直立的;竖式的 n. 垂直线 dimension [dimen??n] n. 尺寸,尺度;线度;[复] 面积;容器 clamp [kl?mp] n. 夹钳,夹子 vt.(用夹钳)夹住,夹紧 precision [prisi??n] n. 精确(性),精密,精密度 a.精密的 longitudinal [l?nd?itju:din?l] a. 经度的;纵的,纵向的 transverse [tr?nsv?:s] a. 横向的;横断的;横截的 optical [?ptik?l] a. 视觉的;光学的;有助视力的 drill press 钻床 vertical milling machine 立体铣床 wobble [w?bl]vi.摇晃,摇摆 jaw [d??:] n. 卡爪,台虎钳牙 align [?lain] v.使成一条直线 alignment [?lainm?nt] n. 成直线 micrometer [maikr?mit?] n. 测微器,千分尺,百分表 live center 主轴顶尖, 活动顶尖 tool post 刀具, 刀架 dead center 尾座顶尖, 固定顶尖 three-jaw universal chuck 三爪自定心卡盘 four-jaw independent chuck 四爪单动卡盘 machine tool 机床,工具机 Notes 1.A lathe is a machine tool for cutting metal from the surface of round work fastened between the two lathe centers and turning around its axis. 车床是一种机床,它用来切削装夹在车床顶尖并且绕轴旋转的圆形工件表面的金属。 Cutting metal…turning around its axis 是动名词短语,跟介词for一起构成后置定语,修饰machine tool, 其中fastened between the two


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