The Cow and the Fox 牛及狐狸.doc

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The Cow and the Fox 牛及狐狸

The Cow and the Fox 牛及狐狸1.One day, a fox fell into an open well. He tried his best to climb out of it, but he couldn’t. 一天,一只狐狸不小心掉进了一口水井里。无论他怎么爬也爬不出去 2.At this time, a thirsty cow walked past the well. The cow wanted to drink some water from the well very much, so he asked the fox, “Fox, is the water good?” 这时,有一头口渴的老牛从井边路过。老牛很想喝井水,就问狐狸:“狐狸,井水好喝吗?” 3.The fox told the cow, “The water is very sweet. And you can see there is so much water. Why don’t you come down and have a drink?” 狐狸对老牛说:“井里的水特别甜,你看这里这么多水。你怎么不下来喝呢?” 4.The cow jumped into the well and drank as much water as he liked. After a while the cow said to the fox, “The water was certainly very satisfying. How can we get out of this well?” 老牛跳进井里喝了很多的水, 过了一会儿老牛对狐狸说:“水是喝够了,但是我们怎么出去啊?” 5.The fox said, “Why don’t you let me stand on your shoulders and climb out? Afterwards I can pull you up.” The cow agreed that it was a good idea. 狐狸对老牛说:“你让我站在你的肩膀上爬出去,然后我再拉你上去,怎么样?”老牛也觉得这个办法不错 6.So the cow bent down and let the fox stand on his own shoulders. The fox then climbed out of the well. 老牛弯下腰,让狐狸站在自己的肩膀上。狐狸终于爬出了深井 7.Glad to see the fox leave the well, the cow called to him, “Now pull me out!” Yet the fox was sneaky and said, “I’m not that stupid. I might fall into the well again while pulling you out. Goodbye, Cow!” 老牛看到狐狸爬出去了很高兴。他对狐狸说:“现在你把我拉出去吧。”狐狸却狡猾地说:“我才没那么笨。万一拉你的时候我又掉下去了怎么办?再见吧,老牛。” 8.The fox turned his tail and ran away, only to find himself face to face with a tiger. This tiger was very hungry, and was worrying about how to find food when it ran into the fox. The tiger jumped onto the fox and ate it. 狐狸转身就跑,一回身却撞见了老虎。老虎肚子很饿,正愁找不到吃的呢,刚好遇到狐狸。就这样,老虎把狡猾的狐狸吃掉啦 读故事小能手 读完故事后,请选择正确的答案完成右边的句子 温馨提示:别忘了把你的答案寄给顶呱呱哦,全部答对的小朋友将有机会成为“读故事小能手”!而且你的名字还会在报上公布呢!快快行动吧! 答案请寄: 410001湖南省长沙市八一路227号《小天使报 顶呱呱(收) 1. A fox fell into ______ one day. A. a river B. a well C. a hole 2. The cow was very _____, so she jumped into the well. A. hungry B. thirsty C. tired 3.


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