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B2M5复习检查 1. 为某事向某人表示祝贺 offer/send one’s congratulations to sb on sth 2. 向某人祝贺…. congratulate sb on sth 3. 暗自庆幸 congratulate oneself on 4. 船上所有的人都在海中淹死了。 All the people aboard were drowned in the sea. 5.在…取得成就 make an achievement in …. 获得成功/实现抱负/达到目标 achieve success/one’s ambition/goal/target/ aim/object 6. 这家店只出售新鲜的当地农产品。 The shop sells only fresh local produce. 7. 作为一个新产品,iphone5似乎不是很成功。 iphone 5, as a new product, seems far from success. 8. 我感到很荣幸能欣赏到你的音乐大作。 I feel honored to enjoy your musical production. 9. 他能提出新的证据来支持他的论点。 He can produce evidence to support his argument. 10. 她昨晚肯定在等你,对吗? She must have waited for you last night, didn’t she? 泰坦尼克 听说杰克要搭乘史上最豪华的客轮去实现自己的梦想,他的朋友们都向他表示祝贺。上船以后,令杰克高兴的是他遇见了露丝并很快爱上了她。他们在一起度过了愉快的晚会。不幸的是,这豪华的巨轮撞上冰山正在下沉。船上很多人都在海中淹死了。杰克把他的生还机会让给了露丝。 我相信并非每个人都知道什么是真爱。所以在爱上某个人之前先考虑一下爱的真正意义吧。 Knowing that Jack was going to take the most fabulous ship of all time to realize his dream, his friends came to offer their congratulations to him. After going aboard the ship, to Jack’s great delight, he met Rose with whom he fell in love quickly. They had a delightful party together. Unfortunately, the ship ran into an iceberg and was sinking. A great many people aboard were drowned in the sea. However, Jack gave up his life chance to Rose. I don’t believe that everyone knows what true love is. So, before you lose your heart to someone, think over the meaning of true love first. 让我极为高兴的是,最终我成功了。在我登上回北京的飞机前,她来到机场向我表示祝贺。参加这次比赛的有来自世界各地的500万人。而我取代了上届的冠军赢得了金牌。显然这需要付出极大地努力。她说我应该为如此出色的成绩感到自豪。我想,既然我们有了目标,就应该全力去使它实现。我不信神,但我相信我自己。 Much to my delight, I succeeded at last. Before I went aboard the flight to Beijing, she came to the airport to offer her congratulations to me. Five million people from all over the world took part in the competition. I replaced the last champion and won the gold medal. It was evident that I spared no efforts. She said I should take pride in the excellent achieveme


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