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中古时期乌兰关、县位置考辨   内容摘要:乌兰关、乌兰县是丝绸之路北道与黄河交叉的交通要冲,始置于北周武帝时,乌兰县在隋代一度被撤废,唐初复置,武周时县治迁徙,与乌兰关一起到唐末犹存。有学者认为乌兰关与会宁关夹河并置,黄河东、西两岸分属于会宁县与乌兰县;也有学者坚持乌兰关、乌兰县治在今甘肃省靖远县双龙乡北城村的北城滩古城,与会宁关、会宁县同在黄河东岸。本文在考辨史籍的基础上,通过北城滩出土的隋唐乌兰墓志、古城遗址及其出土文物,以及敦煌文献关于会宁关位置的记载、扯木峡与乌兰桥的建造关系等,考证出乌兰关、乌兰县的位置在北城滩古城,武周天授二年(691)因河水不断冲刷,沙石不堪久居,遂将乌兰县城搬迁到东北7里的平川地区。墓志所记?锸霞易宕佣鼗投?迁到乌兰县,定居为会州乌兰县人,卒葬于北城滩,揭示出河西走廊与皋兰路这条丝路北道的重要性 关键词:乌兰关;乌兰县;会宁关;丝路北道;北城滩 中图分类号:K878.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4106(2017)01-0108-10 Abstract: Both the Wulan Pass and Wulan County were located on the intersection of the north route of the Silk Road and the Yellow River, an important geographic position. They were first established in Emperor Wus reign during the Northern Zhou dynasty, and Wulan County was once abolished in the Sui dynasty and then reestablished in the early Tang. In the reign of Empress Wu Zetian, the seat of the city was moved and continued to exist in tandem with the Wulan pass until the end of the Tang dynasty. Some scholars think that the Wulan and Huining Passes, respectively belonging to Wulan and Huining Counties, were established on the east and west banks of the river, whereas other scholars think that the Wulan Pass and the seat of Wulan County were both located within ancient Beichentan City at today’s Beicheng village in Shuanglong township, Jingyuan County, Gansu province, and that they were all on the east bank of the Yellow River together with the Huining Pass and Huining County. By investigating the epitaphs and assorted relics from Wulan of the Sui and Tang dynasties unearthed from the ancient city site of Beichengtan and records of Dunhuang manuscripts about the position of the Huining Pass and the relationship between Chemu Valley and Wulan Bridge, this paper considers that the Wulan Pass and Wulan County were in fact located in ancient Beichengtan city, and in the second year of the Tianshou era in Wu Zetians reign(691), the Wulan County seat was moved 7 li northward to the Pingchuan area due to the gradual scourin


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