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义务教育择校主体间利益博弈分析   摘 要 “择校”问题是教育界及其社会各阶层都十分关注的热点话题之一。基于利益相关者理论的视角审视“择校”问题,其突显的是各个择校利益相关者追求自身利益最大化的结果。家长及学生追求优质教育资源是“择校”的直接体现;学校对经济利益的追求迎合了家长及学生的“择校”需求;地方政府为政绩包容“择校”行为。究其“择校”最本质的原因,是因为优质教育资源的供给不能满足广大群众的需要及其配置不均衡导致的。由此,“择校”问题的解决,必须基于当前教育发展现状,一方面由政府加强制度规范,另一方面要不断加大对薄弱校的支持力度,逐步改变教育发展不均衡的现状,从而消解择校生长的土壤 关键词 义务教育 择校 利益相关者 博弈 中图分类号:G520 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdkz.2017.03.067 The Game Analysis on the Interests of Compulsory Education ――Based on Stakeholder Theory YANG Xiuguo (College of Education, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, Hunan 411201) Abstract The problem of “school choice” is one of the hot topics in the educational circle and all social strata. Based on the stakeholder theory, this paper examines the problem of “school choice”, which highlights the result of the pursuit of self-interest maximization. Parents and students to pursue quality education resources is the direct reflection of “school choice”; the pursuit of economic interests of schools to meet the needs of parents and students “school choice”; local government for the performance of inclusive school choice behavior. The most essential reason is that the supply of high-quality educational resources can not meet the needs of the majority of the people and the imbalance of the allocation. Thus, “school” problems, the current situation of the development of education must be based on the one hand, by the government to strengthen the system of norms, on the other hand to continuously increase the weak school support, gradually changing the status of the uneven development of education, so as to solve the soil for the growth of school. Keywords compulsory education; school choice; Stakeholder; game “?裥!钡某鱿植皇巧缁岬呐既幌窒螅?它是教育发展过程中必然出现的,在西方国家,也同样存在着学校选择的问题。那么,如何看待并解决这一问题成为各界学者共同关注的问题。政府一直致力于“就近入学”的政策规定,不提倡择校,但实际上,择校却显示出越来越来“热”的势头,不但在城市的义务教育学校普遍存在,农村学校中择校现象也日渐增多,由此,我们有必要对这一问题进一步审视和分析。本文以利益相关者理论为视角,试图分析择校背后的原因,为解决择校问题提供新的思路 1 利益相关者理论概述 利益相关者理论是1984年弗里曼(Freeman


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