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摘要 韩铣光教授是我国著名的圆号演奏家、教育家,本文是基于对韩先生的艺术生涯进行回顾并对其艺术 成就进行总结与归纳的个案研究。本文认为,韩先生的艺术实践不仅仅是其个人成就,亦是中国当代圆号 艺术乃至音乐艺术的重要成就。本文首先通过对韩先生纵贯几乎整个中国圆号发展史之艺术经历进行梳 理,将韩先生的艺术实践与中国近现代音乐乃至现代化的历程相结合,分析其演奏风格的历史成因与时代 背景。进而将对其演奏风格的探究上升至音乐的本体论层次,从一般技术层面上升至音乐美学的高度,确 立韩铣光在圆号艺术中的恰切地位。最后将韩先生的圆号美学在其圆号教育中的贯彻与所取得的成就予以 呈现。通过这三方面的逐步论述,凸显韩铣光作为当代圆号演奏、专业教学鼻祖的卓越地位,为韩先生在 中国当代音乐史中所扮演举足轻重的角色重新定位。 关键词:韩铣光 圆号演奏 圆号教育 中国管乐 Ⅰ 万方数据 Abstract Professor Han Xianguang is a celebrated French horn performer and educator in China. This thesis is based on a case study of Professor Han’s life as an artist and his contributions. The conclusion of this thesis is that, Professor Han’s artistic practice not only consist his accomplished life, but also the implementation of the art of the French horn and music in modern China. A summary of Professor Han’s life as a musician experiencing the development of the art of the French horn in China will be offered alongside the combined research of his artistic practice and the modernization of music in China. An analysis of the formation of Professor Han’ s performing style under a historical context will also be issued so that an ontological research of his performing style could be realized not only focusing on the discussion of techniques, but also of aesthetics. This thesis also seeks to establish Han Xianguang’s proper status in the art of the French horn in China. Eventually, this thesis strives to present Han Xianguang’ s music aesthetics in his accomplishments in the educational aspect of the French horn. The three integral parts of discussion mentioned above will put emphasis on Han Xianguang’s indispensable status in the performance art, as well as the education of the French horn. Keywords:Han Xianguang; the performance art of the French horn; the education of the French horn; Brass music


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