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目录 Fluent 最新动态 Fluent6.2 Gambit2.2的最新功能 Meshing Moving and Deforming Mesh Reacting Flows Multiphase Flows Acoustics Others… Fluent China 成立 Fluent 最新动态 Fluent6.2 Gambit2.2的最新功能 Meshing Moving and Deforming Mesh Reacting Flows Multiphase Flows Acoustics Others… Fluent China 成立 FLUENT公司产品-1 FLUENT公司产品-2 Fluent 最新动态 Fluent6.2 Gambit2.2的最新功能 Meshing Moving and Deforming Mesh Reacting Flows Multiphase Flows Acoustics Others… Fluent China 成立 Milestones in CFD Meshing Hexcore-六面体核心网格 数量与质量 Adapt grid in regions of high pressure gradient to better resolve pressure jump across the shock. Mesh coarsening strategy implemented in solver Automatic cell agglomeration 3 methods utilized In general, reduction of 3-5 times the original mesh is observed Viable coarsening + mesh improvement method Fluent 提供三种动网格方式: Spring analogy(弹簧式) Dynamic layering(动态层铺) Local remeshing(局部网格重构) 适合小变形 适合规则运动 井底发射 适合大变形和无规则变形 HVAC- 阀门关闭 Compatibility with all multiphase models Layering and remeshing Eulerian, VOF, mixture model Built-in 6-DOF solver Choosing a reaction model depends upon reaction rates and flow configuration. Premixed Combustion Reactants are pre- mixed prior to entering domain. Non-premixed Combustion Fuel and oxidizer enter domain in separate streams. Partially Premixed Combustion Combustion Oscillations Import chemistry in CHEMKIN format Import CHEMKIN transport property database KINetics module from Reaction Design (RD) “CHEMKIN” plug-in for FLUENT 6.2 Ability to solve laminar stiff reactions Includes turbulence-chemistry interactions Uses ISAT-4 Discrete Phase Model (DPM) Mixture Model Eulerian Multiphase Flow Model Volume of Fluid Model (VOF) Cavitation sub-model available with the mixture model Ffowcs-Williams Hawkings model enhancements Support for rotating surfaces Unsteady with sliding mesh or rotating reference frame Gutin noise model for steady-state analysis Support for the coupled solver Ability to export quadrupole source data for use by


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