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FP功能点介绍 目录 FP概要 计算数据功能 计算事务功能 确定调整系数 计算未调整功能点 一、FP概要 功能点分析法的目的与好处(Objectives and benefits of FPA) Objectives: * 度量用户要求和接收的功能 Measure functionality that the user requests and receives * 与技术无关,并可实现软件开发和维护的度量; Measure software development and maintenance independently of technology used for implementation FPA的五大好处 Benefits FPA as: *A tool to determine the size of a purchased application package by counting all the functions included in the package 作为一种工具,来判断所采购的应用程序包中包含的所有功能的规模; *A tool to help users determine the benefits of an application package to their organization by counting functions that specifically match their requirements 作为一种工具,帮助用户通过计算应用程序包的功能与其组织需求的匹配程度,来判断应用程序包带给组织的利益; * A tool to measure the units of a software product to support quality and productivity analysis 作为一种工具,度量软件产品各个单元以支持对产品的品质与生产性的分析; *A vehicle to estimate cost and resources required for software development and maintenances 作为一种工具,用于估算软件开发及维护中所需的成本及资源。 * A normalization factor for software comparison 作为一种用于比较软件的标准因子 Function Point Counting Procedure Diagram Determine the Type of Function Point Count 软件开发项目的三种类型: * Development project function point count 新开发型项目 * Enhancement project function point count 功能改善型(升级开发) * Application function point count 应用程序型 Identify Counting Scope And Application Boundary Determine Unadjusted Function Point Count Data Functions Data functions represent the functionality provided to the user to meet internal and external data requirements. Data functions are either internal logical files or external interface files. 数据功能表示满足用户内部和外部数据需求的功能。数据功能可以是内部逻辑文件(ILF)也可是外部接口文件(EIF)。 Internal Logical Files (ILF) An internal logical file (ILF) is a user identifiable group of logically related data or control information maintained within the boundary of the application. The primary intent of an ILF is to hold data maintained through one or more elementary processes of the application bei


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