Francis Bacon弗兰西,培根.ppt

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英国文学经典阅读 ? 作品文本研究 Unit 3 Francis Bacon 1. Introduction to Francis Bacon 2. Summary of of studies 3. Translation of of studies 4. Philosophical Essays Francis Bacon (1561–1626) was one of the leading figures in natural philosophy and in the field of scientific methodology in the period of transition from the Renaissance to the early modern era.     As a lawyer, member of Parliament, and Queens Counsel, Bacon wrote on questions of law, state and religion, as well as on contemporary politics; But he also published texts in which he speculated on possible conceptions of society, and he pondered questions of ethics (Essays) even in his works on natural philosophy (The Advancement of Learning). To the present day Bacon is well known for his treatises on empiricist natural philosophy (The Advancement of Learning, Novum Organum Scientiarum) and for his doctrine of the idols, which he put forward in his early writings, as well as for the idea of a modern research institute, which he described in Nova Atlantis.   His has lots of great works such as Advancement Of Learning, New Instrument, New Atlantis. Of studies has a large number of subjects such as truth, love, envy, high position, good nature, riches, ambition, beauty, vainglory, learning, politics and economy. It mainly reveals his intimate knowledge of human nature. Of Studies is his most famous essay, written in the 17thcentury. It discusses the purpose of studies and its use, analyzing different attitudes towards studies and demonstrates all kinds of ways of studying. This essay is a succinct writing, its short and strong sentences reasoning accurately, and flashing with light of wisdom between lines. Nowadays many sentences become epigrams prevailing among people all over the world. For instance “Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtitle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Abeunt studia in


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