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Psychology is a very delicate subject. In modern life,it has been playing an increasingly important role. What’s F P A F:focus P:personality A:analysis It is the extension of human character and communication. About Le Jia A famous psychologist who built “Personality Colors System”. A charming trainer working for FPA for 8 years. His clients include universities and government offices. He frequently appeared on business and psychologies magazines. And revolutionary advance the relationship of motivation and behavior. Meanwhile start the new age of the personality analysis in a popular style. He named 4 types of personality with 4 colors — Red, Blue, Yellow, Green. RED —Their advantages are: ?Eloquent and expressive ?Sincere ? Quick as lightening —Sometimes abhorrent (可恶的)because: ?Indulging in the moment without taking precautions for the future ?Afraid of pressure ?Lacking self-discipline   Blue —Their fascinations are: ? Well organized ? Punctual ? Good at exploring problems —Sometimes being not so joyful: ?Gloomy(阴郁的) ?Suspicious ?Indecisive Yellow —Their inherence ? Results-oriented ? Always struggle for greater progresses ? Determined —Sometimes be complained about: ?Self-important ?Hardhearted ?Insensitive and indifferent to other’s feeling Green —Their advantages are: ? Friendly and cooperative ? Peaceful ? Sympathetic —Their limitations are: ?Slow-paced ?Boring ?Unwilling to change Find your personality color, it does not mean boring theory nomenclatures(术语), but humoristic words which are full of wisdom and fascination.


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