英语学习Model Auxiliaries.ppt

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英语学习Model Auxiliaries

Model Auxiliaries 1.can, could for ability or capacity a) The baby can walk now. b) Can you lift this box? 2.can, may, might for possibility 1) You may/might loose your way if you don’t take a map. 2) He may/might be working in his study. 3) Can it be true? Yes, it may be true. (* May it be true?) 表推测的can’t 与 may not 有何区别 ? 表示推测时,can’t意为“不可能”,may not意为“可能不”。如: 1)He can’t be so rich. 他不可能那么富有。 2)She can’t be your daughter. 她不可能是你女儿。 3)They can’t have gone out because the light’s on. 他们不可能出去了,因为灯还亮着。 4)It can’t be true. 这不可能是真的。 5)He can’t have read the book. 他不可能读过此书。 3.may, can, cannot, must not for permission and prohibition 1)You may/can smoke in this room. 2)You may not/cannot/mustn’t play football in the park. 3)Dogs may not be taken into these carriages. 4)He hasn’t been allowed to drive since his accident. (no perfect form for may, can, must ) may not 何时表示“可能不”, 何时表示“不可以”? 请看下面一句的翻译: He may not have known this,but you may not tell him about it. A. 他也许还不知道此事,但你不可以告诉他。 B. 他不可能知道此事,但你可以不告诉他。 C. 他可以不知道此事,但你不可以告诉他。 D. 他也许还不知道此事,但你可以不告诉他。 4.must, have to, ought to, should for obligation 1)My doctor says I mustn’t eat meat, but I don’t have to take his advice if I don’t want to. 2)Pianist to Pupil: You must practise at least one hour a day. Pupil to Friend: I have to practise one hour a day. Friend: You should practise more than one hour a day. 5.must, cannot/can’t, will, would, should, might, have to be etc. for deduction assumption(p207) 1) He can’t be home yet. His room is dark. 2) This may/might be the key. 3) This must be the key. (might, may, could, can, should, ought to, would, will, must) 4) This might not (may not/ couldn’t/ can’t) have been done by a human being. 6.Other model meanings dont need to do / didnt need to do 表示因为没有做某事的必要,所以没有去做; needn‘t have done表示某事已经做了,但后来觉得没有必要去做,含有责备或遗憾之味: (p203) “情态动词+完成式”的用法归纳  may have done sth:可能已经做了某事   might have done sth: could have done sth可能已经做了某事,本来可能做了某事   must have done sth:一定做了


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