光伏系统三种不同连接方案的发电量仿真比较 - 索比光伏网.doc

光伏系统三种不同连接方案的发电量仿真比较 - 索比光伏网.doc

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光伏系统三种不同连接方案的发电量仿真比较 - 索比光伏网

光伏系统三种的发电量仿真比较 倪华陈娟, (阳光电源,安徽省 合肥市 230088) The Simulation Comparison of Three Different Connection Scheme NI Hua ,Chen Juan, Zhao Wei (Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.?, He fei , An’hui Province, China, 230088) ABSTRACT: Mismatch will bring power loss to the photovoltaic power station system. This article analyzed the system power loss caused by the mismatch and the some conclusion has been given. Firstly a MATLAB simulation model has been established based on the engineering calculation method and the accuracy of model has been confirmed. Secondly this paper defined the conception about the power loss of the photovoltaic power station is mainly composed of three parts: shaded loss, series loss and parallel loss for the first time. Each and every part has been respectively specific analysis. On this basis, compared and simulated three different solar panel connected systems: the centralized system, the distributed system and the micro inverse system. The conclusion that the centralized system power loss > string system power loss > micro inverse system power loss is proved, and the reason has been presented that the distributed system eliminated the parallel loss, therefore improve the part of the power system; Micro inverse system while eliminating series loss and parallel loss at the same time, so the loss is minimal. The proper application field about those three systems has also been concluded in the end. KEY WORDS: PV Array, System Power Loss, Centralized System, Distributed System, Micro Inverse System 摘要: 失配会给光伏电站系统带来功率损失本文进行了分析与验证。首先建立了基于工程计算方法的MATLAB仿真模型,并验证了模型的正确性。其次光伏电站系统功率损失组件功率损失、串联功率损失、并联功率损失三部分。在此基础上,对集中式、组串式和微逆组串式系统主要消除了系统的并联功率损失,因此提高了部分系统功率;微逆系统同时消除了系统的并联功率损失和串联功率损失,因此损失最小。验证 关键词: 光伏阵列,系统损失,集中式,组串式,微逆 前言 [1, 2]。 通过阴影仿真研究证明,失配会影响光伏阵列的输出特性。主要表现于系统最大输出功率率减少,且会出现多波峰现象[3-6]。基于传统的最大功率跟踪算法可能会使把系统的局部最大功率点误当作全局最大功率点,因此带来更大的功率损失[7]。针对此问题,学者们分别从光伏拓扑优化和最大功率跟踪算法改进这两个方面提出了对应策略。前者在保持最大功率跟踪算法不改动的情况下,通过改变阵列结构或


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