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B. Fascinating plot c. Story background 辛德勒的名单 D. Photography E. Background music Music can create a partial or whole atmosphere for the movie, deepen a visual effect, and enhance the artistic appeal. F. Apparel modeling You know the differences between Chinese and American shooting art? Discussion Chinese The selection of Chinese movie is relatively traditional and restricted, which is mainly from true story and close to the reality. America Americans are open-minded and like to be different, therefore, their movie is full of fantasy ,imagination and the spirit of adventure. 1. Reality vs. Fantasy Chinese Chinese people adore collectivism and like to preach morals through movies . America Americans value individualism and advocate heroism . By resorting to some imaginary images , Americans express their longing for freedom. 2. Collectivism vs. Individualism 中西电影的题材大不相同 中方:以喜剧、挫败人生仍然坚持梦想形式表达 西方:以黑暗社会正确的拯救自己的形式表达 Chinese Most Chinese movies are of plan surface, telling about life stories of common people. America Americans make full use of the advanced technology to produce movies , such as stunts and 3D technics. 3.Plan surface vs. 3 dimensions Chinese Most Chinese movies are about trifle things in daily life or historical events. America American movies show great concern to global issues, such as natural disasters, environmental protection, and future of the human being. 4. Local vs. Global 后天 华氏911 星球大战   1.《公民凯恩》 (C ITIZEN KANE )(1941 ),奥逊·威尔斯的不朽之作。 0 1 2 3 4 * 电影史上十大著名女星 一、Katharine Hepburn(译:凯瑟琳·赫本)),是一位美国电影女演员。她被认为是美国电影与戏剧界的标志性人物、好莱坞的传奇:共获得过4次奥斯卡最佳女主角奖——现在的最高纪录;12次奥斯卡奖提名(全部为女主角)——很长一段时间内亦是最多提名记录的保持者(2003年梅丽·史翠普获得了她的第十三次提名,超过了赫本)。美国电影学会将赫本评为美国影视史上最伟大的女演员。凯瑟琳·赫本也因其的机敏风趣、举止高雅、桀骜不逊,深受观众与影评人推崇。 5葛丽泰·嘉宝(Greta Garbo,1905年9月18日-1990年4月15日),电影女演员。生于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,逝于美国纽约。她是电影史上最著名的女明星之一。曾获颁奥斯卡终身成就奖。1999年,她被美国电影学会选为百年来最伟大的女演员第5名。 2贝蒂·戴维斯(英文:


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