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1、请根据您将使用的新教材,设计一个Unit或者Module的课文教学过程。 Unit 1 Friendship 一、教材分析 这两篇阅读材料都是围绕本单元的中心话题 Friendship 展开的,第一篇课文讲的是一个犹太女孩ANNE在二战时期遭受德国纳粹迫害时期个人的感受,以及她把日记本当成她最好的朋友,向它倾诉个人情感的故事。第二篇是关于夏威夷人对朋友意义的理解和表示。反映了夏威夷文化中”友谊”广泛而包容的精神内涵。 二、教材整合 本单元共有两篇阅读材料,围绕一篇课文完成Pre-reading,reading, comprehending以及练习题。 三、课时分配 计划用三课时完成这两篇阅读材料的教学任务,第一课时完成对ANNE’S BEST FRIEND?的学习,重点在于对整体意义的理解。第二课时完成FRIENDSHIP IN HAWAII的学习,重点在于对事实细节的理解。第三课时重点突破在两篇课文中的语言点的学习和训练。 四、教学步骤 Step 1?Lead-in Give students 3 questions in Pre-reading to have d discussion ,arousing students interests to read the text. Step 2?Reading Read the first two paragraphes and the dirary , sum up the the main ideas in each part: Paragraph 1:Her diary was Anne’s best friend Paragraph 2:She and her family’s situation in World War II. The diary: Her recall to her beautiful past, her experience in mind about night, her feeling at that time. Step 3?Deeply understanding Guide students to understand the auther’s feeling through some sentences and words. For example : crazy, a deep blue sky, the song of birds, moon light and flowers,didn’t open a window, at dusk ,thundering, sadly, dirty curtains, dusty windows Step 4?Comprehending Finish Exercise 14. 在练习2里面强调对事实细节的理解,在练习3里面运用课文里面的素材描述ANNE的情感,把它当做写作练习来做。在第四个练习里组织学生讨论,并由小组长向全班报告小组讨论情况。 (二)Step 1?Lead-in Show some beautiful pictures from Hawaii on the screen ,describing them in simple English to arouse students’ interests. Step 2?Reading Ask students to read the text carefully,finding out the key words in each paragraph. Step 3?Summary Sum up the main ideas in each paragraph: Paragraph 1 : Friendship is part of the “aloha spirit”to be with happiness. Paragraph 2 : The second important sign of friendshiploving the land,loving their people or community. Paragraph 3: The third important sign of friendshipliving in peace Step 4?Gussing the meaning of some words Alohahappiness ?好,爱,你好,再见(夏威夷人用语) lokahioneness with all people (夏威夷人用语) leia string of flowers 花环、花冠 kokuahelp?帮助 ohanafamily 家庭 Step 5 Group Discussion


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