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世界繪本特選 TOP100名著 作者: Shel Silverstein 謝爾.希爾弗斯坦 書名: The Missing Piece 失落的一角 譯者: 林良 出版: 自立晚報社文化出版部 作者: Shel Silverstein 謝爾.希爾弗斯坦 書名: The Missing Piece 失落的一角 有的書上都是字,幾乎沒有畫; 有的書上都是畫,沒有什麼字;這本書上既 沒有幾個字,也只有很少的幾筆畫,但它說的更多,說完了每一故事;就像「人」字,雖只二筆,卻是萬物的根 本」。 (史英:人本教育基金會董事) 生命的可能,貴在自我實現;生命的欠缺,是努力的空間。 這本書如此啟示我。   (陳來紅:主婦聯盟基金會顧問) 銳與圓,收與放,得與失,能了然於心,必定受益無窮。   (葉樹珊:台視早安今天主持人) 這是我讀過最快的一本書,恐怕也是一輩子最忘不了的一本書。書中不只充滿童趣,豐富的生活想像,還有一種淳樸的本質,使我不會有知識的負擔。      (劉克襄:自然寫作家) He went along his way again. Met with some dangers, Fell into a pit, Crashed into a stone wall. One day, he met another piece which seemed to be a perfect fit. “Hi!” He said. “Hi!” the piece said. “Are you anyone’s missing piece?” “No, I am not.” “Then are you your own piece?” “I can be someone’s piece, as well as, be my own piece” “You probably would not like to be my missing piece.” “Not really.” “Maybe we are not suitable.” “Don’t say that…” “How is it?” “Feels good.” Very suitable! A perfect fit! Finally found it! Finally found it! He rolled along, because he does not miss a piece anymore, he rolled faster and faster, faster then never before. So fast that he could not stop to chat with the little worm. He can’t stop to smell the flowers too. So fast that the butterfly is not able to rest on him. But he could sing his happy song. He finally can sing : “I found my missing piece.” He started to sing: “Ummm…Bleh…Hmmm, Ummm…Bleh…Hmmm, Hmmp…Ummp…” Oh god, He does not miss a piece now, but he cannot sing. “I know why.” He thought. “There’s a reason here.” He stopped. And put down his missing piece, And left. He moved along, and sang softly: For morning assembly PJ group - 08-09-03 The piece about “imperfectness” and “satisfaction” He’s missing a piece. He’s very sad. He set off to find the missing piece. He rolled along, singing “Oh, I am going to look for my missing piece, I am going to look for my missing piece, Ah ha ha, on the


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